The doctor explained how to prepare your body for the summer

First you need an examinationSports doctor Ilya Melekhin told how to prepare your body for the summer without compromising health.DiscussThe doctor explained how to prepare your body for summer

The main danger for people who want to exercise and prepare yourself for the summer – a heart attack. In addition to the fact that a person may not be prepared for heavy loads, there may also be hidden hypertension. heart, as well as to do a fluorography. According to Melekhin, it is impossible to play sports without an objective assessment of health.

Hypertension may not manifest itself in any way even at a pressure of 160 and above, but it will manifest itself just at the time of training, which is why there can be serious consequences.

“Untreated hypertension is not only a contraindication for sports, it is life-threatening, because blood vessels and the heart suffer from it,” the expert emphasized .

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