Just imagine: on our planet there are creatures so big that they can be seen from space! This is not science fiction, but a real reality. They amaze the imagination with their size, shape and amazing ability to survive. Some of these organisms have existed for tens of thousands of years and are still alive, although people seriously threaten their existence. Scientists are actively studying their history, development features and even trying to predict their future. What giants do you think we will talk about now?
The Largest Organism on Our Planet Is Not the Blue Whale!
The Largest Organism on Earth Is a Fungus
The Armillaria ostoyae fungus, also known as the dark honey fungus, is a true miracle of nature, eclipsing even the blue whale. This unique organism, hiding underground in Oregon's Malheur National Forest, covers an area of over 3.7 million square meters, making it the largest known organism on Earth. Scientists estimate that it is about 2,400 years old, although other estimates suggest that it could be as old as 8,600 years old.
The visible part of a dark honey fungus. Image source: pinterest.com
What we usually perceive as the “mushroom” on the surface is only a small part of its huge underground system of threads known as mycelium. The mycelium of Armillaria consists of black threads called rhizomorphs, which penetrate deep into the soil in search of wood. These rhizomorphs can extend for kilometers and connect several fungi that appear separate on the surface but are actually parts of the same organism.
Mushroom mycelium. Image source: botanichka.ru
Scientists have found that genes responsible for fungal growth on the surface are also active in rhizomorphs, which likely explains the fungus's ability to spread over such vast distances.
Location of the Largest Mycelium in the World. Image Source: extremescience.com
The discovery of this giant occurred when scientists began to study the mass death of trees in the forest due to root rot. It turned out that the roots were infected with Armillaria, which, like a “vampire”, sucked water and nutrients from the trees, killing them. The rhizomorphs of the fungus penetrated the root system of the trees, spreading further and further and expanding their “domain”.
Although this type of fungus is found in other places, such as Michigan and Germany, it is the Oregon honey fungus that remains the largest.
Related article: What is the secret of the longevity of the largest organism on Earth?
Pando is the heaviest organism on Earth
Pando is a unique living organism that, at first glance, may seem like an ordinary forest. However, this pile of trunks is actually one of the most amazing natural phenomena on Earth – a clonal colony of aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides).
Pando Forest in the US state of Utah. Image source: travelask.ru
Pando occupies an area of 428 thousand square meters and consists not of individual trees, but of 47 thousand trunks, genetically identical to each other. All these trunks grow from one root system, forming a single organism weighing about 6 thousand tons. Without any exaggeration, this is one of the heaviest organisms in the world, after the aforementioned mushroom.
The size of the Pando forest. Image source: sciencealert.com
Pando is unique not only for its size, but also for its age. Scientists suggest that this colony has existed for about 14 thousand years. Each individual trunk lives about 130 years, but thanks to the constant emergence of new shoots, Pando maintains its shape and supports an entire ecosystem. Dozens of plant species and many animals live under its canopy, for which this forest serves as a source of protection and food.
Pando Forest is home to many animals. Image source: na-dache.pro
However, despite its protection, Pando faces serious threats. Deer and elk eat young shoots, preventing the forest from regenerating naturally. Disease and climate change also pose risks to the health of old trunks and the future of the colony. Some parts of the forest are already seeing a decline in new growth, which could threaten the survival of the entire organism.
Deer and Elk threaten the Pando forest. Image source: sciencealert.com
Nevertheless, Pando remains a symbol of endurance. This giant has survived many environmental changes over thousands of years, and scientists and conservation groups are working hard to preserve it.
The Great Barrier Reef could also be included in this list, but it is not a single entity, but consists of billions of coral polyps – independent living organisms. Thus, it is rather the largest natural object on Earth created by living beings, rather than something integral.
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If you are interested in why coral reefs are so important to humanity and what can be done to prevent their destruction, we recommend reading our article “Why are coral reefs important to humanity and how can we save them from destruction?”