You can already come across news on the Internet that heating has already been turned on in some cities in Russia. At least, heat has appeared in some kindergartens and other similar institutions. However, many residents of the country are still waiting for the long-awaited warmth to come to their homes. The summer heat has already gone, rains are becoming more frequent, and in some regions the windows are already freezing and the first snow is just around the corner. Residents of apartment buildings are eagerly checking the pipes, anticipating how they will finally feel the long-awaited warmth, which marks the beginning of the heating season. Let's find out what conditions are necessary for our apartments to become comfortable.
The beginning of the heating season is the most anticipated event of each autumn. Image source:
When does the heating season begin in Russia
Depending on the region, the heating season in Russia begins at different times, which is due to differences in climatic conditions. Local administrations make decisions about the start of heating supply to residential premises, taking into account several key aspects:
- ambient temperature;
- weather forecast for the near future;
- state of repair work on heating networks;
- readiness of combined heat and power plants (CHP).
Heating in homes is turned on when it gets too cold outside. Image source:
As a general rule, heating is turned on when the average daily air temperature does not rise above +8 degrees for five days in a row and a cold snap is expected in the near future. In most of Russia, with the densest population, such conditions usually occur around the second half of September. However, this indicator is not a strict guideline – heating can be turned on earlier if the utilities are ready, and the air temperature is only slightly below the established threshold.
Thus, in different cities and regions the start date of the heating season depends on many factors. But they are mainly guided by weather conditions and the technical readiness of the heating system.
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Where they turn on heat first
The heating supply is gradual and takes several days. First of all, heat is supplied to social infrastructure facilities, such as kindergartens, schools, hospitals and clinics. After that, heating is connected to residential buildings, and then to shops and other commercial buildings.
First of all, heat will be provided to educational institutions. Image source:
Article on the topic: How to warm up an apartment after the heating is turned off?
What to do if it is cold at home
During the heating season, the temperature in apartments must be as comfortable as possible – not lower than +18 degrees. Unfortunately, such conditions are not always established.
Even after the official launch of heating, the radiators may remain cold or barely warm, leaving residents in discomfort. The reasons for this may lie both in the house system itself and in the work of utilities.
One of the common reasons for poor heating is the presence of air in the radiators. Such an air lock prevents the free movement of water, which leads to poor heating of the radiators.
If the apartment is cold even during the heating season, you cannot do without contacting special services. Image source:
In addition, the cause may be a blockage in the common riser, in the presence of which the pipes heat up on some floors, and remain cold on others. Another possible reason is a blockage in the battery, due to which the riser is hot, and the radiator remains cold due to accumulated dirt. In such situations, you need to contact a professional who can accurately determine and fix the problem.
If the batteries in the apartment are hot, but the person is still cool, the cause may be heat loss. First of all, you need to make sure that the windows are intact – perhaps heat can escape through cracks or an outdated seal. An uninsulated balcony or lack of wall insulation can also be sources of cold in the house.
If everything is in order from the residents' side, but the apartment is still cold, you should contact the management company. Perhaps the problem lies in the poor quality of utility services, and then the solution should be found at the level of the heat supplier.
How do you warm up your apartment before the heating season starts? Write to us in our Telegram chat.
Many people turn on their heating closer to the second half of October. To avoid freezing while waiting for warm radiators, read our article “The best ways to warm up an apartment in the cold autumn”.