On the face of every elderly person you can see the “traces of time” – wrinkles. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely prevent their appearance, since they arise not only due to constant facial movements, but also as a result of natural processes occurring in our body. The only effective way to get rid of wrinkles is plastic surgery. However, the result of such an intervention may not meet expectations and even worsen a person's appearance. Many people do not know all the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the face. We invite you to fill this gap in knowledge and learn more about how to maintain youth and beauty!
Nobody is immune to wrinkles, but there are ways to at least slow down the process a little. Image source: istockphoto.com
- 1 What are wrinkles
- 2 What types of wrinkles are there
- 3 Causes of wrinkles
- 4 How to protect yourself from wrinkles
What are wrinkles
Wrinkles are nothing more than folds in the skin that appear as our face expresses emotions and faces the natural aging process. In youth, the skin easily returns to its original position thanks to collagen and elastin fibers, which give it strength and elasticity. But over time, their number decreases, the skin ceases to maintain its shape and the first age-related changes appear on it.
Young people's skin looks good thanks to collagen and elastin. Image source: glamurnenko.ru
What types of wrinkles are there?
Wrinkles are divided into two main types: static and mimic.
Static wrinklesarise because the skin loses its elasticity and firmness over time. Under the influence of gravity, the skin can no longer effectively resist, which leads to the formation of deep folds on the face.
Mimic wrinkles, in turn, appear as a result of active movements of the facial muscles. They usually form on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes and around the mouth, where the skin is especially thin and delicate. These areas are most susceptible to wrinkles, as they are often involved in our emotions.
Wrinkles vary in both origin and depth. Image source: pinterest.com
Wrinkles also vary in depth.
Superficial wrinkles are fine lines that are usually caused by sun exposure or bad habits. Medium wrinkles affect the deeper layers of the skin and become noticeable with age. Deep wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds, penetrate into the lower layers of the dermis and become increasingly noticeable with age.
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Causes of wrinkles
As mentioned earlier, the appearance of wrinkles on our skin is associated with natural processes occurring in our body, as well as with the influence of external factors.
First of all, with age, our skin loses important proteins— collagen and elastin. These compounds are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and when there is less of them, the skin begins to lose its shape, becomes flabby, and wrinkles appear on it.
Also, over the years, the process of skin cell renewal slows down. In youth, the skin recovers quickly, but over time this process slows down, which makes it thinner and more vulnerable.
There are many different factors that contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Image source: pinterest.com
Another reason is a decrease in the fat layer under the skin. When there is less subcutaneous fat, the face loses volume, the skin begins to sag, and this leads to the appearance of deep wrinkles.
Ultraviolet raysalso greatly influence the formation of wrinkles. Sun rays quickly destroy collagen and elastin, accelerating skin aging. Therefore, those who are often in the sun without protection may notice the appearance of wrinkles earlier.
Don't forget about facial expressions. Our daily emotions – smiles, frowns, surprise – leave their mark on the skin. Over time, expression wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable.
In addition, with age, the skin loses moisture, becomes dry and less elastic, which also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. All of these processes are natural, but they can be slowed down if you take care of your skin, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Read also: Wrinkles on the face appear during sleep – here's how to minimize them
How to protect yourself from wrinkles
It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of wrinkles, but there are several effective steps that will help slow down their appearance.
You can start with sun protection. Ultraviolet rays are a very serious enemy of the skin, so do not forget about sunscreen even on cloudy days. Additionally, you need to use hats and glasses to minimize the harmful effects of the sun.
The second important rule is regular moisturizing. Well-moisturized skin retains elasticity longer and is less susceptible to the appearance of new wrinkles. It is important to choose creams with hyaluronic acid and ceramides, they can help retain moisture and create a protective barrier.
In addition, you need to monitor your diet: Antioxidant foods like berries, nuts, and green vegetables help protect your skin from damage and keep it healthy from the inside out. And of course, drink plenty of water.
It is impossible to stop skin aging, but it is quite possible to slow down this process. Image source: dzen.ru
If wrinkles have already appeared, you can resort to more intensive measures. Products with retinoids help speed up cell renewal and stimulate collagen production. Hyaluronic acid, which is sold in the form of serums or creams, helps smooth out fine wrinkles by moisturizing the skin. And peels and exfoliants remove dead cells and make the skin smoother.
For more noticeable results, you can turn to professional procedures: laser therapy, microdermabrasion or Botox injections will help to cope even with deep wrinkles. But you need to take such steps very thoughtfully.
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Now, we hope you are more knowledgeable about wrinkles than most people. If you want to broaden your horizons even more, we recommend that you read our article “Why People in the USSR Looked Older Than Their Age.”