3 Ways to Change Eye Color: How Much Does It Cost and How Safe Is It

Some people are ready to do a lot to change their appearance and adjust it to the standards of modern beauty. For example, many girls decide to have breast and buttock augmentation surgeries, and also pump up their lips. Modern surgery can do anything – the main thing is that clients pay money. For example, some clinics provide a service for changing the color of the eyes. There are different ways to change the color of the iris, and each of them is associated with certain risks to human health. Let's find out how current technologies allow you to change the color of your eyes, how much it costs and whether it is as safe as some doctors say.

3 ways to change eye color: how much it costs and how safe it is. Modern medicine can change the color of human eyes, there is no limit to the possibilities! Photo.

Modern medicine can change the color of human eyes, there is no limit to the possibilities!


  • 1 What determines eye color
  • 2 Methods for changing eye color
    • 2.1 What is kerato-pigmentation
    • 2.2 Depigmentation of the eyes
    • 2.3 Installation of an artificial iris
  • 3 How much does it cost to change eye color

What determines eye color

According to Science Alert, eye color is directly related to the features of the iris. This is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. The iris does more than just decorate our eyes; it also serves an important function: it controls the amount of light entering the eye. Inside the iris are two layers of smooth muscle that automatically constrict or dilate the pupil to protect the sensitive cells of the eye from damage.What determines eye color. The iris of the human eye. Image source: pinterest.com. Photo.

The iris of the human eye. Image source: pinterest.com

The color of a person's eyes depends on the amount of the coloring substance melanin. The more of it, the darker the eyes. People with a high concentration of melanin in the iris have brown eyes – this is the most common eye color in the world, about 80% of people have it. If there is less melanin, the eyes can be green – this shade is found in 2% of the population. And those who have very little of it, the eyes will be blue or gray. It is with this pigment that surgeons work when changing the color of the eyes.

Read more about all this in our article “What determines eye color and why some people have different ones”

Ways to change eye color

There are several ways to change the color of the iris. Each of them has its advantages, but there are always many more disadvantages.

What is keratopigmentation

Most often, clinics perform kerato-pigmentation to change eye color.

This is a procedure during which special dyes are injected into the cornea of ​​a person's eye to change the color of the eyes. The operation is performed using microsurgical instruments, and recently, a laser has been used for greater precision. It makes tiny holes in the cornea through which the coloring pigment is injected. The procedure requires a high level of surgeon qualification and extreme precision.

What is keratopigmentation. Eyes before and after keratopigmentation. Image source: gazetametro.ru. Photo.

Eyes before and after kerato-pigmentation. Image source: gazetametro.ru

One of the main advantages of kerato-pigmentation is its durability – the result lasts for a long time. There is also a wide range of color options, which allows you to choose exactly the shade that the patient dreams of.

However, this operation also has its downsides. Firstly, there is a risk of complications, such as infection, allergic reactions or mechanical damage to the eyes. Secondly, kerato-pigmentation is an expensive procedure, and the result is not always ideal. In addition, this is an irreversible process, and if something goes wrong, it will be impossible to correct the result.

Depigmentation of the eyes

The eye depigmentation procedure is a rare and little-known technique that has not yet become widespread. Information about it can only be found in foreign sources.

The essence of the procedure is that surgeons lighten the iris of the eye by removing the surface layer of melanin with a laser. In this simple way, you can turn brown eyes into blue ones by simply removing some of the pigment.

Eye depigmentation. Eye depigmentation can only lighten the eyes. Image source: dzen.ru. Photo.

By depigmenting the eyes, you can only lighten them. Image source: dzen.ru

Despite the attractiveness of the idea, the procedure also poses a potential threat to eye health. In addition, the color that will result from depigmentation cannot be chosen in advance.

Read also: The most unexpected reasons why a person can go blind

Installation of an artificial iris

Implantation of an artificial iris— is an operation in which the natural iris is removed and replaced with a silicone one. During the operation, an artificial implant is inserted through a small incision in the cornea and unfolds inside the eye. The procedure is similar to cataract surgery and is performed under local anesthesia.

Installation of an artificial iris. Iris replacement is the most dangerous way to change eye color. Image source: valeniahs.com. Photo.

Iris replacement is the most dangerous way to change eye color. Image source: valeniahs.com

However, this method, used mainly for medical purposes, is extremely dangerous to health. Complications can include glaucoma, cataracts, inflammation, as well as irreversible damage to the cornea and even blindness. Due to side effects, implants often have to be removed, which makes this method of changing eye color extremely dangerous and undesirable.

How much does it cost to change eye color

According to open sources, eye color changing surgeries are not performed in Russia. People with this purpose need to go to the USA, England or another country. The price of changing eye color is very high and ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. That is, at least a million rubles are needed for this. Is it worth it, considering that this is an extremely dangerous operation?

How much does it cost to change your eye color. The cost of changing your eye color is comparable to the price of a good car. Image source: klike.net. Photo.

The cost of changing eye color is comparable to the price of a good car. Image source: klike.net

Would you dare to change your eye color? Share your opinion in our Telegram chat!

The easiest and safest way to change your eye color is to wear special contact lenses. You can read about what contact lenses of the future will be like in this article.

