Life expectancy of dogs On average, it is 10-13 years, but it can vary greatly among different breeds. The fact is that their life expectancy is influenced by various factors, one of which is body size. Medium-sized dogs are considered long-lived, but large dogs do not live long. For example, the life expectancy of Great Danes does not exceed 8-10 years. Moreover, dogs that are considered large for their breed live less than representatives of their breed, but of medium size. Moreover, studies have shown that this is typical for all breeds, be it a Pekingese, a shepherd or a Great Dane. Such a relationship between body size and life expectancy seems very strange, since the opposite logic is true for other species – the larger the animals or entire species, the longer they live.
Large dogs live less than small ones. Photo source:
- 1 How the size of dogs affects their lifespan
- 2 Large dogs “wear out genetically” faster
- 3 Large dogs have genetically “mutated”
- 4 How to extend the life of large dogs
How Dog Size Affects Their Lifespan
Scientists suggest that large body size itself is not a factor in short lifespan. As mentioned above, other species confirm this. Otherwise, blue whales would not live longer than moths. But why then do large dogs quickly age and die?
As mentioned above, there are many factors that influence life expectancy. For example, scientists have even found a correlation between life expectancy and the shape of a dog's nose – breeds with long noses live longer. However, large dogs in any case live less than medium or small dogs, regardless of the shape of the nose.
Puppies of small and large breeds are born approximately the same size, but as they grow older, the difference between them increases dramatically. Photo source:
Large dogs “wear out genetically” faster
Scientists do not yet know exactly why large dogs live short lives, but they have several theories about this. According to one of them, large dogs have to grow a lot. The fact is that puppies, when they are born, only slightly differ from each other in size. A puppy of a large breed can be one and a half to two times larger than a puppy of a small breed. But when the puppies grow up, the difference in height between them can increase many times over.
This means that the cells of large dogs have to divide more often. As they divide, the protective sections of DNA at the ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres, become shorter. As a result, the cells accumulate DNA errors and also produce more oxidative molecules that can damage DNA. In simple terms, large dogs “wear out genetically” faster. This means that they age faster and are at higher risk for developing certain diseases. For example, studies have shown that large dogs develop cataracts earlier.
The largest dog to be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records died at age 3 from bone cancer.
Large dogs also often develop bone cancer in their legs. This correlates with the research of scientists concerning humans. As we have already reported, tall men and women have an increased risk of developing all types of cancer. Presumably, this is due to the same reasons – cells accumulate damage as they divide. Why then do large animals, such as whales and elephants, not have this problem? Most likely, they became large gradually, and during the course of evolution, their bodies managed to adapt to a large body size.
A Great Dane named Zeus was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog on the planet. He died at the age of 3. Photo source:
Big dogs have “mutated” genetically
Excessive cell division may not be the only reason why large dogs live short lives. Some scientists believe that genetic changes that make large dogs large may play a role. It is possible that these same changes affect lifespan.
For example, one of the genes that affects growth is IGF1. When scientists suppressed this gene in rodents, they began to live longer. That is, overexpression of some genes may cause rapid aging.
How to Make Large Dogs Live Longer
According to veterinarians, owners of large dogs can take some measures to increase the lifespan of their pets as much as possible. First of all, it is necessary to promptly contact a veterinary clinic if any health problems arise. In addition, it is important to closely monitor the weight of dogs. Excess weight can seriously harm the health of the animal. First of all, excess weight affects the joints, which is a common problem for large breeds.
Large dog breeds need special care. Photo source:
In addition, according to experts, kennel clubs should lower the breed standards for large dogs. This will eventually reduce the body size of large breeds. That is, simply put, large dogs need to be made smaller. This will help avoid some common diseases.
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Also, when getting a dog, you should take into account that large breeds are more difficult to care for than small ones. For this reason, the quality of care for large dogs is often worse than for small ones, which also ultimately affects the life expectancy of the pet. Therefore, veterinarians recommend paying more attention to care or even abandoning a large breed in favor of a small one.