The nose is an important part of the body that we do not notice in the literal sense of the word. Our brain ignores the nose, so it does not interfere with our ability to look ahead. But as soon as we close one eye, the nose immediately becomes visible. But, according to scientists and doctors, ignoring it, as our brain does, is absolutely impossible – this part of the body can diagnose some diseases before dangerous consequences arise. Of course, we are not talking about a cold or a runny nose. The appearance of the nose can even tell about problems with internal organs.
Acne and rashes on the skin of the nose – what is the threat
First of all, we note that not always any defects on the skin of the nose indicate diseases. For example, the most common skin problem is the so-called comedones, or simply black (sometimes white) dots. They occur due to the blockage of small glands in the skin that secrete certain oils.
Most often, comedones do not indicate any health problems and are not dangerous. Only in rare cases can clogged pores develop into larger seals and bumps, as well as become infected, inflamed and filled with pus. The most unpleasant thing about this is the possibility of scarring.
But it is much worse if pink acne, or rosacea, appears on and around the nose. This is a chronic skin disease that causes redness of the skin, the appearance of small pimples and visible dilated blood vessels. The latter look like thin red or purple lines.
The disease itself is fraught with consequences – it can lead to the growth and thickening of the skin of the nose. This is a more serious form of the disease, which is called rhinophyma. In this case, the person's face changes, which usually leads to a decrease in self-esteem, depression, etc. Unfortunately, the disease is incurable, but it can be controlled and prevented from developing rhinophyma.
It is also important to consider that rosacea can be a symptom of other diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and high cholesterol. Therefore, if characteristic symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital and undergo an examination.
Bluish or purple rash on the nose
If you notice the appearance of bluish or purple spots on your nose (sometimes also on your ears and even fingers), this is also a reason to immediately seek medical help. The fact is that such a rash is a symptom of sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that is also known as Besnier's disease, Beck's disease, or lupus erythematosus. However, sarcoidosis has nothing in common with the autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus.
Besnier's disease is dangerous because it can affect any tissue in the human body. Most often, the lungs and lymph nodes suffer from sarcoidosis. The disease also often affects the liver and spleen. The cause of this disease is still unknown to science.
By the way, the above-mentioned lupus erythematosus can also be diagnosed by the nose and the area around it. This disease causes a red or pink butterfly-shaped rash. The rash itself is similar to rosacea, so you need to pay attention to the shape of the rash. It must be said that the name “lupus” arose in the Middle Ages precisely because of the characteristic shape of the rash, reminiscent of a wolf bite.
Lupus is a very dangerous disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own tissues. As a result, various internal organs are affected. Moreover, lupus is also called the “great imitator”, since its symptoms are similar to many other diseases.
What does numbness around the nostrils mean
Sometimes the disease may not be indicated by a change in the appearance of the skin of the nose, but by a decrease or complete loss of its sensitivity in certain areas. As a rule, this occurs around the nostrils. The cause is a disease caused by damage to the trigeminal nerve, known as trigeminal trophic syndrome. Recall that the trigeminal nerve controls chewing and is also responsible for facial sensitivity. Symptoms of the disease usually appear only a year after nerve damage.
Along with decreased sensitivity, people sometimes feel a tingling sensation in the skin, as if it is being pierced by small needles. The tip of the nose is usually not affected, since it receives sensitivity from another nerve. Another symptom of this disease is the appearance of ulcers on the nose, which begin to develop with a small crescent-shaped crust. This shape allows you to distinguish ulcers in trophic trigeminal nerve syndrome from other types of ulcers.
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As you can see, sometimes it really makes sense to close one eye and look at your nose. And even better – examine it in the mirror, as well as the skin on the body and even the tongue, the color of which also sometimes allows you to detect some diseases, which we talked about earlier.