If something bad happens to Earth, humanity may well move to Mars. It is the first choice for human colonization for several reasons. First, it has useful resources like frozen ice. Second, the Red Planet has an atmosphere that is essential for life. Third, scientists suggest that it can be made even more suitable for humans by raising the air temperature and planting plants. The rest of the planets in the Solar System, no matter how hard we try, are not suitable for human settlement. But what about the planets that are a little further away, but still very close to us in cosmic terms?
Since there are no habitable planets near Earth except Mars, such places must be sought outside the Solar System. Planets that revolve around other stars are called exoplanets. Among them, there are very interesting options for human resettlement.
Exoplanet Proxima Centauri b
In August 2016, European astronomers discovered Earth's twin. It was named Proxima Centauri b because it orbits the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun.
This exoplanet is very similar to our native Earth, but there are plenty of differences between them. While we are relatively warm and comfortable, on Proxima Centauri b the average temperature is -39 degrees Celsius. However, at least residents of Russia are used to such temperatures, because in winter nature often hardens us with record-breaking frosts.
The exoplanet Proxima Centauri b is only 10% larger than Earth. It also has quite tolerable gravity, so theoretically, people could start living there. However, to do this, they would have to build houses with protection from the cold, cosmic radiation and other external threats. And people would have to wear protective suits.
Scientists want to study Proxima Centauri b, but only with the help of robots. The fact is that at any moment a catastrophe could occur there, capable of killing all living things in an instant.
In 2017, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array radio telescope recorded a moment when a star near an exoplanet became 1,000 times brighter in 10 seconds. It is possible that life once flourished on Proxima Centauri b, but it disappeared after one of these outbursts.
Yes, people are unlikely to ever move to Proxima Centauri b – it is very harsh and unstable. But still, it is one of the most suitable planets for life, which is known to science.
Hell in the vastness of the Universe:NASA has discovered an exoplanet that is constantly burning
Exoplanet Ross 128 b
In 2017, after more than ten years of searching, another interesting exoplanet for resettlement was found in space – Ross 128 b. It revolves around the red dwarf Ross 128, which is slightly older than our Sun. Scientists who discovered it using the La Silla observatory noted that this is the most temperate planet known to modern science.
The exact temperature on the planet Ross 128 b is unknown. But it is assumed that it cannot be too hot there – the maximum is about +21 degrees Celsius. The force of gravity on the exoplanet is much higher than on Earth, and this is one of the main disadvantages of a potential place of residence for people of the future.
It is impossible to study the exoplanet Ross 128 b by flying to it, at least with the current level of technology. The distance to it is 11 light years, and the fastest space probe to date flies at a speed of about 600 thousand kilometers per hour. This means that with current technology, the journey to the exoplanet will take more than 19 thousand years.
Related article: Why can the existence of exoplanets be a bad sign for humanity?
Exoplanet Gliese 581 c
Another potentially good exoplanet for future humans is Gliese 581 c. It was discovered by scientists back in 2007 by scientists working at the La Silla Observatory in Chile.
As you can see, this exoplanet orbits the star Gliese 581. It is 20 light years away from us, that is, even further than the above-mentioned Ross 128 b. Accordingly, it will not be possible to reach it using current spacecraft.
Scientists have a vague idea of the conditions on Gliese 581 c. It all depends on what the atmosphere is like there. If it is like Earth's, the air temperature could be +17 degrees Celsius. But if the atmosphere is too dense, the temperature could exceed +100 degrees Celsius, which is unsuitable for human life.
No sudden flares have ever been observed near the planet. But scientists are concerned that Gliese 581 c is located too close to its parent star. It is possible that the planet is always turned to it by one side, that is, it is always very hot on one hemisphere, and always cold on the other.
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There are still many exoplanets that people may someday settle on. But, as you already understood, even Mars looks easier to develop than them. And the difficulty is not only that the flight to them may take several thousand years. Even if we invent aircraft that move at the speed of light, turning them into comfortable places to live will be very problematic.
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