What is the healthiest dessert in the world?

Good news for all ice cream lovers! Nutritionists say it is surprisingly healthy, especially compared to other sweets. As it turns out, a small portion of dairy ice cream is a good source of calcium, which strengthens bones and muscles. Additionally, depending on the brand, some ice creams contain about six grams of protein per serving, which is the same as the amount of protein in an egg. Thus, combining fats and proteins with sugar reduces the spikes in blood sugar that occur with low-fat desserts such as sorbet. And although ice cream is often considered an unhealthy treat, researchers note that it is healthier than cakes and cookies. We tell you how nutritionists came to this conclusion and also discuss the healthiest desserts.

What's the healthiest dessert in the world? Ice cream isn't always bad for your health—in fact, it can have a number of important health benefits. Image: healthnewshub.org. Photo.

Ice cream isn't always bad for you – in fact, it may have some important health benefits. Image: healthnewshub.org


  • 1 Benefits of Ice Cream
  • 2 Nutritious Ice Cream
  • 3 Healthiest Desserts
    • 3.1 Fruit Salad
    • 3.2 Yogurt with Berries and Nuts
    • 3.3 Dark Chocolate
    • 3.4 Banana and Nut Oatmeal Cookies
  • 4 Conclusion

The benefits of ice cream

Summer is a hot time, which means the demand for ice cream at this time of year increases significantly. This sweet, creamy dessert offers a cooling sensation, but like many desserts, it gets a bad rap due to its high sugar and fat content. Some experts, however, argue that ice cream isn't the big bad on nice summer days and can actually be surprisingly healthy.

As nutritionist Shelley Balls told Yahoo Life, a two-thirds cup serving of dairy ice cream is an excellent source of calcium—about 12% of the recommended daily value. And while the exact amount of calcium in this iced dessert varies from brand to brand, Balls says our regular diets tend to be low in calcium, so ice cream can help fill that gap.

Ice Cream Benefits: Ice cream contains about six grams of protein. The same amount of protein is found in one hard-boiled egg or 1 ounce of almonds. Image: www.eatthis.com. Photo.

Ice cream contains about six grams of protein. The same amount of protein is found in one hard-boiled egg or 1 ounce of almonds. Image: www.eatthis.com

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Dietitian Stephanie Van't Selfden also often recommends ice cream as a dessert to her clients with diabetes. This is because the combination of protein and fat slows the release of sugar into the blood, which prevents sudden spikes in blood glucose levels.

Ice cream is one of those foods that we We don’t eat it for its nutritional value, and that’s okay. The healthiest ice cream is the one that fills your heart and stomach, says Van’t Selfden.

Instead of eating the healthiest ice cream that you might not like, you should focus on your favorite treat butin moderations. This means that on Fridays, for example, you can indulge in your favorite dish and leave ice cream as dessert. In short, ice cream should not automatically disappear from the diet – after all, calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and teeth, as well as strengthening muscles.

Nutritious Ice Cream

The key ingredients in ice cream also make it a preferable choice over some sweets and cakes that contain the same amount of fat and sugar but lack the beneficial nutrients. Unlike… ice cream Which, by the way, can be made a little more nutritious.

Nutritious ice cream. Homemade ice cream is a great alternative to store-bought sweets. Image: www.eatthis.com. Photo.

Homemade ice cream is an excellent alternative to store-bought sweets. Image: www.eatthis.com

For example, you can improve the nutritional properties of ice cream by making it yourself at home. Many people also make “protein ice cream” using frozen ingredients that are usually included in protein shakes. Of course, it will not be as tasty as a regular waffle cone, but it can be a more delicious substitute for a cocktail.

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More traditional homemade ice cream still allows you to control the amount of sugar, type of milk, and other base ingredients. A big advantage of homemade ice cream is also the ability to use various additives and toppings – all of which can increase the content of fiber, protein and healthy fats. Roughly speaking, you can simply add almonds, strawberries, chia seeds or bananas to the ice cream.

Ice cream made from milk and cream can also be a good source of various vitamins such as A, D and B12, which are essential for overall health.

Nutritious ice cream. Ice cream is a healthy dessert under one condition - its consumption should be moderate. Image: www.eomega.org. Photo.

Ice cream is a healthy dessert under one condition – its consumption should be moderate. Image: www.eomega.org

As for our love of ice cream, it has a strong scientific basis – when we eat ice cream, the body produces feel-good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are known to play important roles in the brain and body, helping us experience pleasure and keeping us alert. They also play an important role in digestion and sleep.

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The healthiest desserts

Luckily, healthy dessert choices don't stop with moderate ice cream consumption—there are plenty of delicious and nutritious treats that can provide your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are some of the healthiest desserts that will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but also provide health benefits.

Fruit Salad

Fruit salad is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Including a variety of fruits such as apples, oranges, berries, kiwis and pineapples provides a wide range of nutrients. Let's remember that fruits are rich in antioxidants, which help fight inflammation and protect cells from damage.

Fruit salad. For fruit salad you can use oranges, bananas, apples and strawberries. Image: www.allrecipes.com. Photo.

For a fruit salad, you can take oranges, bananas, apples and strawberries. Image: www.allrecipes.com

Yoghurt with berries and nuts

Natural yogurt is a good source of probiotics, which support healthy intestinal microflora. Adding fresh berries such as strawberries, raspberries or blueberries increases the antioxidant and vitamin content. Nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, add healthy fats and protein to the dessert.

Yogurt with berries and nuts. Homemade yogurt is a delicious and healthy dessert. Image: www.seriouseats.com. Photo.

Homemade yogurt is a delicious and healthy dessert. Image: www.seriouseats.com

So, you can prepare healthy and nutritious yogurt using the following ingredients: natural Greek yogurt, fresh or frozen berries, almonds, walnuts and honey.

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Dark chocolate

As you know, dark chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa, is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It may also improve mood and cognitive function.

Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is the right dessert to maintain good health. Image: www.health.com. Photo.

Dark chocolate is the right dessert to maintain good health. Image: www.health.com

The main thing in this matter is the right choice. Experts recommend buying chocolate with a high cocoa content (70% or higher), and also consuming it in small portions – to avoid excess calorie intake and weight gain.

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Banana Nut Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which promotes good digestion and maintains blood sugar levels. Bananas add natural sweetness and potassium, which is good for the heart. Nuts add healthy fats and protein, ingredients known to make cookies more filling.

Oatmeal cookies with banana and nuts. Homemade oatmeal cookies are not only tasty, but also healthy. Image: www.foodandwine.com. Photo.

Homemade oatmeal cookies are not only tasty, but also healthy. Image: www.foodandwine.com

To enjoy healthy homemade cookies, you can add oatmeal, ripe bananas, honey or maple syrup, walnuts and almonds, and also a little cinnamon (for taste and aroma).


As you can see, there are a huge number of delicious and healthy desserts, the inclusion of which in the diet can satisfy sweet cravings without harm to health. The inclusion of natural ingredients such as fruits, nuts and seeds provides the body with essential nutrients and supports overall health.

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What As for ice cream, it turns out that it can also be beneficial, especially if you prepare it at home and consume it in moderation. Be healthy and indulge in sweets!

