Why do some people get freckles and others don't?

According to statistics, approximately 1.5 billion people in the world have freckles. Most often, people with fair skin have spots on the face, shoulders and other exposed parts of the body. They usually appear around age 4, peak in adolescence, and gradually disappear after age 30. Almost anyone can develop freckles, but people with a genetic predisposition are especially likely to have them. They become most noticeable in the summer due to sun exposure, but in the winter they become lighter in color and are more difficult to notice. It would seem that this is all you need to know about freckles. But if you look at them from a scientific point of view, you can find out even more interesting information.

Why do some people get freckles and others not. People with freckles have a modification of the MC1R gene. Source: wallbox.ru. Photo.

People with freckles have a modification of the MC1R gene. Source: wallbox.ru


  • 1 Why freckles appear
  • 2 Which people have freckles
  • 3 Are freckles dangerous
  • 4 Freckle fashion
  • 5 How to get rid of freckles

Why do freckles appear

Freckles are small spots on the skin that are light brown in color. They are not felt at all, are completely flat and do not pose any danger to human health. They appear on exposed parts of the body such as the face and hands, where sunlight most often falls.

Why do freckles appear? Usually freckles appear on open parts of the body where sunlight falls. Source: akwatoria.ru. Photo.

Freckles usually appear on exposed parts of the body where sunlight hits. Source: akwatoria.ru

From a scientific point of view, freckles are places on the skin where melanin accumulates. This is the name of the pigment that determines the color of our skin, hair and eyes. This dye has the function of protecting our body from ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Which people have freckles

Freckles are dark spots in which melanin accumulates, this is understandable. But why do some people have them and others don't?

All people with freckles havea modification of the MC1Rgene. Because of it, under the influence of sunlight, human skin cells begin to produce more melanin. This happens pointwise – places where there is a lot of melanin are freckles.

Modification of the MC1R gene can occur in any person. If at least one of the parents has it, with a high degree of probability, the child will also have freckles.

Which people have freckles? Freckles can be inherited. Source: cameralabs.org. Photo.

Freckles can be inherited. Source: cameralabs.org

Freckles are most noticeable on fair skin. Especially many people with spots on their faces live in Ireland and Scotland. In Asian countries, men and women with freckles are less common. Therefore, we can say that the likelihood of spots appearing on the face is greatly influenced by where a person was born.

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Are freckles dangerous

In the Chinese dictionary Xiandai Hanyu Qidian, freckles are listed as a skin disease. But in reality there is nothing wrong with them. Perhaps people with freckles are more vulnerable to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. But you can save yourself from it by applying sunscreen to your skin and not going outside in the summer from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when the sun is hottest. It is better to follow this advice not only for people with fair skin, but for everyone without exception.

Freckle fashion

In the times of Ancient Rome, freckles were considered unattractive facial features. For example, the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder said that they are spiritual stains.

Freckle fashion. In the modern world, freckles are considered a beautiful feature of appearance. Source: zelengarden.ru. Photo.In the modern world, freckles are considered a beautiful feature of appearance. Source: zelengarden.ru

Fortunately, over time, attitudes towards spots on the face have changed. In the second half of the 20th century, freckles and a tanned body began to be associated with a rich life without hard work. Among celebrities, people with freckles appeared and this feature began to be perceived as beauty. In the 2000s, freckles finally gained a good reputation and still maintain it.

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How to get rid of freckles

It is impossible to completely remove freckles from the face and other parts of the body. The easiest way is to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and wear closed clothing – this will make freckles less noticeable.

If freckles are really bothersome, people use chemical peels to remove the top layer of skin. There are also laser treatments and procedures for freezing parts of the skin with blemishes.

How to get rid of freckles. You always need sunscreen to protect your skin. Source: medaboutme.ru. Photo.

Sunscreen is always needed to protect your skin. Source: medaboutme.ru

Freckles do not bother most people. Therefore, they use foundation as much as possible to temporarily hide spots on the face.

It is worth noting that sometimes freckles appear even before the eyes. At first, scientists could not understand what these strange spots were in 60% of people, and only then realized that they were found in fair-skinned people who were often exposed to the sun. You can read more about this phenomenon in our article “5 deviations in appearance that make people unique.”

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Finally, it is worth noting that if you experience any skin problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor. A dermatologist treats skin diseases.

