When it comes to German autobahns, one immediately thinks of wide, high-speed highways with ideal road surfaces on which you can drive like a breeze without fear of getting a fine for speeding. However, in fact, they have recently developed more and more damaged areas that already require immediate repairs. Otherwise, driving on the German Autobahn can become dangerous. We are talking about several thousand bridges, many of which were built more than 40 years ago, and were not originally designed for modern heavy traffic.
German autobahns are becoming increasingly dangerous over time due to collapsing bridges. Photo source: deutschland.de
What is the German Autobahn
Autobahns have long been one of the symbols of Germany. They are called a “paradise” for fans of fast driving, since in most areas they have no speed limits at all. That is, you are allowed to travel on them at least at the speed of light. Therefore, there are tourists who specially come to Germany to rush with the wind in their cars along the fastest roads in the world.
Only 30% of autobahns have a speed limit of 130 km/h. They usually operate on sections that pass through cities, as well as on overpasses, road repair sites, etc.
There are usually no speed limits on the motorways. Photo source: ee-travel.ru
How are highways different from all other roads in the world? They represent a road system thought out to the smallest detail, which ensures high traffic safety. For example, roadways in both directions are separated from each other by metal or concrete barriers, which prevents the possibility of driving into the oncoming lane. In each direction, the autobahn has at least 2-3 lanes, and sometimes more.
Another feature of autobahns is that they are not crossed at the same level by any other roads. The interchange is implemented as a cloverleaf, which also increases traffic safety.
Autobahn interchanges are designed in the shape of a cloverleaf. Photo source: dw.com
Of course, the quality of the canvas is important. Before laying a highway, the soil is thoroughly examined and drainage work is carried out. Several load-bearing layers with a thickness of at least 0.5 meters are laid on the prepared base. A top layer several centimeters thick of high-quality rocks and rocks is laid on top of it. Therefore, the surface does not collapse as quickly as regular asphalt.
Bridges in Germany are falling apart
The “weak link” of the autobahns turned out to be old bridges. According to DW, of the 40 thousand autobahn bridges in Germany, 5000 are in very poor condition and need urgent repairs. True, this problem does not go completely unnoticed — Bridges are regularly inspected and given an appropriate rating depending on their condition.
This is what testing bridges in Germany looks like for strength. Photo source: dw.com
Sometimes bridges are checked in a rather unusual way. For example, at the end of May, 24 trucks were parked simultaneously on the 136-meter-high and 1-kilometer-long Moseltal Autobahn Bridge. The total load on it was 960 tons. In this way, the strength of a structure built more than 50 years ago was tested. Currently, the Moseltal Bridge is very worn out, cracks have even been found on it.
However, some bridges are in even more deplorable condition, as a result of which they not only cannot be used, but they cannot be repaired. An example is the Rachmede Bridge, which is located in North Rhine-Westphalia. It was closed in 2021 and demolished in 2023 to build a new bridge.
The bridge over the Rhine-Hern canal was closed to heavy vehicles due to severe damage. Photo source: dw.com
As mentioned above, a serious problem is that many bridges are currently overloaded. Not only were they not designed for modern heavy traffic, but they were also intended for lighter transport. However, little attention has been paid to them in recent years.
What will happen to the autobahns in Germany
The situation with bridges on the autobahns in Germany is unlikely to change in the near future, since it will not be possible to update them at the same time. For example, according to Transport Minister Volker Wissing, rebuilding bridges is a matter of generations. However, he expects that the government will be able to restore about 400 bridges a year.
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Therefore, the main question is not when all the bridges will be repaired, but how long they can be used. According to experts, even a speed limit and a ban on heavy vehicles does not exclude a sudden collapse. This means that German autobahns, which have always been famous for their quality and safety, have recently become potentially dangerous.