The most expensive drugs in the world – they cost more than an apartment in Moscow

When we go to a pharmacy because of another chronic or acute respiratory disease, we often complain about the high cost of drugs. However, in most cases we are talking about quite feasible costs. But, unfortunately, there are diseases that require really expensive treatment that is inaccessible to the vast majority of people. Some drugs are so expensive that even selling expensive housing in a large city, for example, Moscow, will not help you purchase them.

The most expensive drugs in the world - they cost more than an apartment in Moscow. Treatment with some drugs costs more than a million dollars a year. Photo source: Photo.

Treatment with some drugs costs more than a million dollars a year. Photo source:


  • 1 Zolgensma — the most expensive drug
  • 2 Zokinvi – a medicine for the treatment of Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome
  • 3 Daniels — medicine against neuroblastoma
  • 4 Ravicti – a drug against disorders of the urea cycle
  • 5 Lumizyme for the treatment of Pompe syndrome

Zolgensma — the most expensive drug

Zolgensma (Onasemnogene abeparvovec) is used to treat spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). This is a fairly rare disease caused by changes in certain genes. It usually results in a lack of SMN protein and death of motor neurons. For this reason, signals between the brain and muscles cease to be transmitted, resulting in gradual muscle atrophy.

As the disease constantly progresses, at first the person loses motor skills. In later stages, the patient loses the ability to breathe, which can lead to death. About 1,000 children with SMA are registered in Russia.

Zolgensma is the most expensive drug. A course of therapy with Zolgensma costs more than 2 million US dollars. Photo source: Photo.

A course of therapy with Zolgensma costs more than $2 million. Photo source:

The drug Zolgensma was approved relatively recently — in 2019. It is a gene therapy and aims to treat childhood spinal muscular atrophy by replacing the missing or dysfunctional SMN1 gene, which is the root cause of CMA. The cost of a one-time procedure is 2,125,000 US dollars. True, in some cases, a course costing $750,000 is sufficient, and then annually you will have to spend about $350,000 on the drug.

Zokinvi is a medicine for the treatment of Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome

Hutchinson syndrome -Guilford disease is also known as progeria disease, in which accelerated aging of the body occurs due to genetic defects. Life expectancy for this disease ranges from 7 to 28 years, but on average people live 12-13.5 years. Therefore, most children do not survive to adulthood.

Zokinvi is a medicine for the treatment of Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome. Progeria makes children look like old people. Photo source: Photo.

Progeria makes children look like old people. Photo source:

For a long time, therapy for Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome consisted of supporting the body and treating complications. In 2020, the drug Zokinvi was approved, which prolongs life. The study found that Zokinvi increased the life expectancy of progeria patients by three months when taken for three years. If you take the drug for 11 years, life expectancy increases by 2.5 years. An annual course of treatment with the drug costs approximately $1 million.

Danielsa — medicine against neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that arises from immature nerve cells known as neuroblasts. This disease is the most common type of brain tumor in children. However, neuroblastoma can also appear in other parts of the body; for example, it often occurs in the adrenal glands.

Danielsa — medicine against neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma can occur in different parts of the body. Photo source: Photo.

Neuroblastoma can occur in different parts of the body. Photo source:

Neuroblastoma is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, and the disease often recurs and becomes refractory to treatment. In 2020, Danyelza was approved to treat recurrent neuroblastoma. It is used in conjunction with immunotherapy. An annual course of treatment costs more than 977 thousand US dollars.

Ravicti is a drug against urea cycle disorders

Urea cycle disorder (UCD) is a congenital disorder associated with metabolic disorders. Due to a deficiency of enzymes or transport proteins in the body, the process of urea formation is disrupted. This leads to an increase in ammonium levels and the development of a life-threatening condition.

People with NCD have to follow a strict diet throughout their lives, but this is not enough to avoid ammonia accumulation. Therefore, to maintain a normal condition, patients are prescribed the drug Ravicti. It is an oral solution, that is, it is applied through the mouth. The cost of one bottle is more than 5 thousand US dollars, and treatment per year reaches almost 800 thousand US dollars.

Ravicti is a drug against disruption of the urea cycle. The cost of one bottle of Ravicti exceeds $5,000. Photo source: Photo.

The cost of one bottle of Ravikti exceeds $5,000. Photo source:

Lumizim for the treatment of Pompe syndrome

Among the list of the most expensive drugs, one cannot fail to mention Lumizyme, which is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of Pompe disease. When it occurs, glycogen accumulates in the body, which leads to dysfunction of the affected organs, most often the muscles and liver.

The drug is administered every two weeks at a dose of 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. As a result, each year treatment costs 520,000 — 625,000 US dollars. The drug must be taken throughout your life.

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Why are the costs of some drugs so high? The fact is that their development takes many years. Pharmacological companies spend billions of dollars, but not all drugs are ultimately approved. Therefore, companies have to cover their costs. However, there remains hope that with the development of artificial intelligence, the cost of medicines will decrease. You can read more about this at the link.

