Deadly addiction to Coca-Cola: Mexicans are dying en masse from the sweet drink

Coca-Cola is an incredibly popular drink all over the world, but only in one country in the world is it drunk instead of water. We are talking about Mexico, where people's dependence on Coke has reached the scale of a national disaster. Each Mexican drinks an average of 2 liters of Coca-Cola every day. Sugary carbonated drinks are known to be extremely unhealthy because they contain large amounts of sugar and other harmful ingredients. Therefore, Mexican residents suffer massively from obesity, and the mortality rate from diabetes is in second place after cardiovascular diseases.

Fatal addiction to Coca-Cola: Mexicans are dying en masse from the sweet drink. In Brazil, Coca-Cola consumption has reached catastrophic proportions. Photo source: Photo.

In Brazil, Coca-Cola consumption has reached catastrophic proportions. Photo source:

How Coca-Cola conquered Mexico

Coca-Cola first appeared in Mexico at the same time the drink began to be bottled – in 1926. Since then, it has become an integral part of Mexican culture. At first glance, this seems strange, because Mexico is a tropical country with an abundance of fruits that grow all year round. It has a rich culture and history, but at the same time it is literally dying from a “chemical” sweet drink invented in a neighboring country.

Why did locals trade natural juices and cocktails from exotic fruits for Coca-Cola, and become its largest consumer in the world? There are several reasons for this, one of which is mass advertising campaigns.

How Coca-Cola conquered Mexico. Coca-Cola has been actively advertising in Brazil for many years. Photo source: Photo.

Coca-Cola has been actively advertising in Brazil for many years. Photo source:

In the 60s, 70s and 80s, Coca-Cola advertising in Mexico was everywhere — on radio, television, billboards and signs. In addition, the company became a sponsor of all the largest and most high-profile events in the country, such as the 1968 Olympics, the 1970 FIFA World Cup, etc. Even now, Coca Cola signs can be found literally at every turn in Mexico.

In addition, Coca-Cola managers have worked hard to integrate the drink into the culture of local communities. Sometimes this even happened by bribing the elders of certain communities. A striking example of this is the Tsotsil people, who to this day remain faithful to the culture of their ancestors.

According to a common version, the company paid Tsotsil elders a large sum of money to spread the legend that the drink was sacred. Of course, there is no evidence for this version, but local residents really believe that Coca-Cola expels evil demons from their bodies. If we take into account that bottles of the drink are used in sacred rites, then the version seems quite plausible.

How Coca-Cola conquered Mexico. Elders use Coca-Cola in their rituals. Photo.

Elders use Coca-Cola in their rituals

In addition, the company holds various promotions. For example, residents of the village of San Juan Chamula in 2002 could exchange drink caps for a kilogram of beans. This aggressive approach to conquering the market is even called “Coca Colonization” by many.

Why do Mexicans drink a lot of Coca-Cola

Advertising, although an important reason for the popularity of the drink in Mexico, is not the only one. The availability of Coca-Cola in the country plays an equally important role. It is much cheaper than in other countries – about the same as a bottle of water. It should also be noted that the quality of drinking water in local sources is often very low. In addition, due to population growth and global warming, there is a shortage of it.

The company itself does not experience problems with water, since it independently extracts it from deep sources. As a result, as mentioned above, Coca-Cola is often drunk instead of water. Mothers teach their babies to drink from a very early age. At the same time, Coca-Cola is sold especially for children in 200 ml containers. There is also a 3 liter bottle for the whole family. As you know, three-liter bottles cannot be found in our supermarkets or in stores in other countries.

Why do Mexicans drink a lot of Coca-Cola? In Brazil, more than 63% of the population suffers from obesity. Photo source: Photo.

In Brazil, more than 63% of the population suffers from obesity. Photo source:

What did addiction to Coca-Cola lead to?

We have already told you that 100 grams of Cola contain 10.6 g of sugar, so it can safely be called “liquid death.” Thus, drinking 2 liters of cola a day, a person receives about 8 daily doses of sugar. Each Mexican drinks an average of 800 liters of Coca-Cola per year.

As you might guess, consumption of the sweet drink leads to obesity and diabetes. According to WHO, 63.4% of the country's population suffers from excess weight. At the same time, mortality from diabetes reaches 14%. By comparison, the death rate from cancer is only 12%. According to official data, 13.1 million people in Mexico are diagnosed with diabetes, and this figure is constantly growing.

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Due to the current situation, even anti-Coca Cola fighters have appeared in the country, warning about the dangers of the drink. However, given how deeply rooted the tradition of its consumption is, it is unlikely that they will be able to change the situation in the near future.

