Not only our physical health, but also our emotional state, as well as brain function, depends on the products we consume. For example, some foods can improve your mood, while others can cause depression. Some foods improve memory, while others, on the contrary, worsen mental abilities. A recent study found that people may even experience chronic insomnia when consuming certain foods. Moreover, an incorrect diet affects men especially strongly. But there is good news — With the help of a proper diet containing healthy foods, you can cure insomnia.
Insomnia may be a consequence of poor diet
What are ultra-processed foods
The term itself «ultra-processed foods» proposed by Brazilian professor Carlos Monteiro. By this he meant products that are made from substances or additives obtained from other products. That is, during the preparation process, the products were repeatedly processed.
Ultra-processed products can be called any products that contain flavorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives, etc. For example, these could be sausages, confectionery, semi-finished products, etc. We have already told you that these products impair memory, cause serious and even fatal diseases, and often cause depression.
Foods that interfere with sleep
Currently many people suffer due to sleep problems. At the same time, ultra-processed foods are very popular and for many people they are an integral part of their diet. Therefore, according to scientists, it was very important to establish the relationship between poor diet and insomnia.
The authors, employees of the Paris-Nord Sorbonne University in France, involved more than 38 thousand adults in their study. All participants provided information about their diet and also talked about any sleep problems they had.
People who eat a lot of ultra-processed foods are more likely to suffer from insomnia
To make the results more accurate, the researchers adjusted for sociodemographic factors, participants' lifestyle, diet quality, and mental health factors. As a result, after comparing the information, the researchers found a relationship between high UPF intake and an increased risk of chronic insomnia.
Overall, study participants obtained 16% percent of their energy daily from UPF foods. 19.4% of participants complained of insomnia, and the amount of UPF foods in their diet was higher than that of other people. As mentioned above, there was a particularly strong correlation between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and insomnia in men. The authors report this in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Why foods cause insomnia
Unfortunately, the study does not say anything about the causes of insomnia or the cause-and-effect relationships. However, the study is the first of its kind and it clearly indicates that the problem deserves special attention. But given all of the above, it is not that the results were unexpected.
The Mediterranean diet will help you sleep well
The fact is that previous research has already established a connection between diet and sleep. In addition, it is already known that UPF products negatively affect brain function. However, determining the cause of the negative impact on sleep will be more difficult than, for example, the relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and weight gain. Obesity, as you might guess, occurs due to the high calorie content of these foods.
But, in any case, if you suffer from insomnia and consume large amounts of ultra-processed foods, you should change your diet and start consume healthier foods. If your insomnia is not related to UPF, we recommend paying attention to the Mediterranean diet. It will not only improve your health and prolong your life, but also help you fall asleep quickly. Its beneficial properties for sleep were discovered thanks to one of the studies.
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In the future, scientists plan to continue research and find out why and how UPF affects sleep. Perhaps this will allow us to find a remedy that will help avoid insomnia. Or additional information will be revealed that will become an incentive for people to give up junk food.