Frozen vegetables and fruits are better than fresh ones – now you can see for yourself

According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), to maintain good health, every person should consume at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day. This norm can be replenished if you eat a banana in the morning, then have a snack with a medium apple, have a vegetable salad for lunch and add vegetables to dinner as a side dish in the evening. If you do not eat vegetables and fruits, a person may experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, which has a bad effect on appearance and ability to resist disease. Unfortunately, fresh food is expensive and spoils quickly, so many people buy it very rarely. Frozen fruit costs less and can be stored for months, but consumers consider it less healthy. Is this really so?

Frozen vegetables and fruits are better than fresh ones - now you will see for yourself. Frozen vegetables are no worse than fresh ones, and sometimes even better. Photo.

Frozen vegetables are no worse than fresh ones, and sometimes even better


  • 1 Is it worth buying fresh fruits and vegetables
    • 1.1 Pros of fresh vegetables and fruits
    • 1.2 Cons of fresh vegetables and fruits
  • 2 Is it worth buying frozen fruits and vegetables
    • 2.1 Pros of frozen vegetables and fruits
    • 2.2 Cons of frozen vegetables and fruits
  • 3 How healthy are frozen mixtures

Is it worth buying fresh fruits and vegetables

In stores you can find anything, from potatoes to exotic fruits. Many of them are displayed fresh on the counter, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages that everyone should know about.

Pros of fresh vegetables and fruits

The benefits of fresh produce are predictable. First of all, they have better taste and appearance – eating fresh carrots or a juicy apple is always very pleasant. Stores also often provide a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially when it comes to seasonal types that do not need to be shipped from distant countries. They are also not subject to freezing or exposure to high temperatures, which may be important for some buyers. The main thing when buying fresh vegetables and fruits is to wash them thoroughly.

The advantages of fresh vegetables and fruits. The main disadvantage of fresh products is their short shelf life. Photo.

The main disadvantage of fresh products is their short shelf life

Disadvantages of fresh vegetables and fruits

Fresh products are tasty and look appetizing, but they spoil very quickly. If they are not eaten for a long time, even if they look good, they lose their nutrients. And fresh vegetables and fruits are expensive, especially if they are transported from distant places.

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Is it worth buying frozen fruits and vegetables

In addition to fresh produce, frozen tomatoes, corn, broccoli and so on are available in stores. They are often sold in the form of mixtures that can be added to any dish.

Pros of frozen vegetables and fruits

If food is frozen, it can last for months. Thanks to this, everyone can buy for future use and not be afraid that the food will spoil. Often frozen vegetables and fruits are pre-peeled and cut, so they can be eaten immediately after defrosting. Finally, frozen products are cheaper than fresh and are available all year round, regardless of the season.

Advantages of frozen vegetables and fruits. Frozen foods are cheaper and last longer. Photo.

Frozen foods are cheaper and last longer

Disadvantages of frozen vegetables and fruits

< p>There are only two major disadvantages to frozen products. Firstly, after defrosting, fruits and vegetables lose their shape and become ugly. Secondly, some manufacturers add sugar, salt and preservatives to frozen foods, which turns some people off.

The bottom line is that fresh and frozen foods have their own advantages and disadvantages. But fresh produce is more expensive, and frozen vegetables and fruits can be a good alternative.

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How healthy are frozen mixtures

Some people believe that frozen mixtures of vegetables and fruits are not beneficial. In fact, this is a mistake, and freezing preserves most of the nutrients contained in foods.

According to the scientific publication Science Alert, the content of minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium in frozen foods remains at the same level as in fresh. In some cases, they are even more nutritious than fresh ones, because when transporting unprocessed products, they deteriorate slightly and lose their positive properties. And frozen products are processed fresh, sometimes almost immediately after collection, which is why they are saturated with useful substances.

How healthy are frozen formulas? For many people, frozen foods are preferable to fresh ones. Photo.

For many people, frozen foods are preferable to fresh ones

If you buy frozen vegetables, you can save a lot of money. Sometimes you can’t eat fresh food right away, so it spoils and has to be thrown away. And all kinds of mixtures from the freezer are stored for a long time and nothing bad will happen to them.

In what form do you buy vegetables and fruits?Share your answer in our Telegram chat.

If you've read this far, be sure to check out the article: Fruits and Vegetables Should Be Eaten with Peels on—Here's What the Science Says. There's a lot of useful information there too!

