The highest place on Earth where people live

Approximately 80 million people on Earth live in settlements located at altitudes of more than 2,500 meters above sea level. Most of these villages and cities are concentrated in South America, Central Asia and East Africa. For example, in China there is a small settlement Wenquan, located at an altitude of 4870 meters. And in India there is a Buddhist settlement of Karzok Gompa, which stands at an altitude of 4572 meters. But all these settlements pale in comparison to the city of La Rinconadain Peru, whose inhabitants live at an altitude of 5100 meters. We can say that they survive there, because at high altitudes people experience a lack of oxygen and put a lot of strain on their bodies. Despite the difficult living conditions, the population of La Rinconada is about 50,000 people. And all because you can make good money in this city.

The highest place on Earth where people live. Residents of the highest city in the world, La Rinconada. Image source: Photo.

Residents of the highest city in the world, La Rinconada. Image source:

The highest city in the world is La Rinconada

The city of La Rinconada in Peru was founded in the 1960s. It is located in the Andes, near the border with Bolivia at an altitude of 5000 to 5300 meters. It is considered the highest place in the world where people live permanently.

The highest city in the world is La Rinconada. Houses in the city of La Rinconada. Image source: Photo.

Houses in the city of La Rinconada. Image source:

Living in the city of La Rinconada is very difficult. Due to its high location, there is no running water, so people do not have the opportunity to take a refreshing shower several times a day. Also, in the highest settlement on the planet there is no sewerage system or garbage disposal, so it is logical to believe that it is very dirty there. Electricity was only installed in La Rinconada in the 2000s, and until then, some locals sat at night under the light of candles and kerosene lamps. There are no shops in the city either, and food is brought from lower settlements.

The highest city in the world is La Rinconada. Buildings in the city of La Rinconada. Image source: Photo.

Buildings in the city of La Rinconada. Image source:

Despite all these inconveniences, the population of La Rinconada is constantly growing. In the second half of the 20th century, it was a small town inhabited by miners. Today there are already about 50,000 residents who are engaged in gold mining.

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What happens to a person at high altitude

If it weren’t for the gold deposit, no one would live in La Rinconada . Not only is there no constant access to water, a modern toilet and other amenities, but the local residents are also unwell. The authors of the scientific publication Live Science spoke about the difficulties of life at high altitude.

We are all used to living approximately at sea level, where there is plenty of oxygen. At high altitudes, there is much less oxygen, so the human body tries to make sure that more air enters the body. Those who move to a city located in the mountains already experience increased breathing and heart rate at an altitude of 4,500 meters. This happens precisely because the lungs and heart have to work as hard as they can to provide the body's tissues with oxygen.

What happens to a person at high altitude. Symptoms of mountain sickness usually appear already at an altitude of 2500 meters. Photo source: Photo.

Symptoms of altitude sickness usually appear at an altitude of 2500 meters. Photo source:

When the human body tries to get used to conditions of lack of oxygen, it experiences symptoms of mountain sickness. These include headache, fatigue, nausea and loss of appetite. But after a few weeks of living in new conditions, at least the breathing rate and heart rate return to normal, because the body begins to produce more blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

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How does altitude affect people

The people who are born in La Rinconada and other high settlements are different from the rest. For example, children in such areas have a noticeably increased lung capacity. They also have a high concentration of hemoglobin in the blood so that the body can provide the cells with the maximum amount of available oxygen. Because of this, their blood is thicker, which again has a bad effect on people's well-being.

In order to feel better, locals often take medications to reduce the number of blood cells. However, the long-term consequences of such a “life hack” have not yet been studied.

How does altitude affect people? Also in La Rinconada, people have to dress warmer because it's cold there. Image source: Photo.

Also in La Rinconada, people have to dress warmer because it is cold there. Image source:

Surprisingly, only residents of La Rinconada and other high-lying settlements feel bad at high altitudes. But Tibetans do not have such problems, because they have a genetic mutation that prevents their hemoglobin levels from rising above normal. It is believed that they tolerate a lack of oxygen well due to the rapid flow of blood in the body.

Would you be able to live in the city of La Rinconada if you paid a lot for it? Share your answer in our Telegram chat or comments in the Zen channel.

So, now you know which city is the highest on Earth. There are many other interesting settlements in the world, and we try to talk about them periodically. For example, be sure to read our material about Centuripe – an amazing city in the shape of a person.

