Scientifically proven: those who bet on sports are more likely than others to abuse alcohol

Keep this in mind A team of scientists from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and the University of New Mexico found that money is not the only thing people risk when betting on sports events. The results of this study were published in JAMA Network Open. Discuss© Becca Schwartz/UNLV

In the spring of 2022, over three weeks, scientists conducted a survey among more than 4,300 adults in the United States. Almost 3,300 of them admitted that they drank alcohol in the past year, and about 1,800 bet on sports in the previous year.

Scientifically proven: those who bet on sports are more likely than others to abuse alcohol© Konstantin Postumitenko/Adobe Stock

The study found that those who bet on sports were 1.9 times more likely to report binge drinking (defined as five or more drinks for men and four or more servings for women at a time). And this is when compared with those who do not place bets at all or do, but not on sporting events.

The study confirms the existence of a connection between substance abuse and sports betting, which has already been mentioned in earlier scientific works .

