Many of us confuse them. An expert told us how hares and rabbits differ from each other. In fact, rabbits and hares look and behave quite differently. Here's what's important to know about this. Discuss© Photo by Benoit Terrier on Unsplash
If we talk about the similarities between rabbits and hares, then they include dentition, a small tail, elongated ears, powerful paws.
At the same time, rabbits are the same color at any time of the year, while hares turn white in winter. Rabbits are smaller and lighter compared to hares. Also, the legs and ears of hares are longer than those of rabbits.
© Photo by Leiada Krozjhen on Unsplash
Rabbits lead a sedentary lifestyle. They constantly expand and deepen the hole where they live. They also rarely live alone.
Rabbits can breed all year round, but they bear offspring for only a month. As for hares, they are able to reproduce within six months, and bear offspring longer than rabbits, 1.5 times.
After birth, rabbits, unlike hares, are not at all adapted to life. But people never succeeded in domesticating hares. Rabbits are quite easy to tame.