The gravity of Mars is 62% weaker than the gravity of Earth. However, this does not prevent the Red Planet from influencing the Earth, so much so that even the climate changes dramatically because of it. Traces of such influence were discovered by scientists in sediments on the ocean floor. Moreover, in their opinion, Mars can have a much stronger influence on the climate than even human actions related to greenhouse gas emissions. True, climate cycles are very long — are 2.4 million years old. According to researchers, the reason for such a colossal impact on climate is the Earth's shift closer to the Sun.
Mars periodically causes severe climate warming on Earth
< h2>How Mars affects the Earth
The gravitational effect of Mars on Earth is small, and we do not feel it at all. However, sometimes even a small impact has serious consequences. According to the University of Sydney staff who conducted the study. The gravitational fields of the planets of the Solar System change each other's eccentricity, that is, how close their orbits are to circular. This effect is usually called resonance.
Because of this impact, there is a 2.4 million year cycle in which the Earth, due to Mars' gravity, changes its orbit and begins to receive more sunlight. And although these changes are small, they lead to significant heating of the planet. Of course, these changes occur very slowly, since the time period during which the orbit changes occurs is very long. Thus, the results of this study provide another explanation for the regularly changing climate on our planet.
Because of Mars, our planet moves closer to the Sun
Mars influences ocean currents on Earth
Detecting climate change cycles like this is very difficult, as there are many other factors that we talked about earlier. For example, a change in the eccentricity of the orbit every 96 thousand years, a change in the angle of inclination of the planet to the Sun every 41 thousand years, as well as the precession of the Earth with a period of 20 thousand years.
In addition, there are other factors, such as powerful volcanic eruptions, which have already led to long ice ages. However, scientists have discovered a climate change cycle associated with Mars in the deep ocean. More precisely, they discovered periods when sediments stop accumulating. This happens every 2.4 million years, as researchers report in the journal Nature Communications.
According to scientists, such breaks occur due to the intensification of whirlpools in the deep ocean. They simply prevent deposits from accumulating. Whirlpools occur during warm periods, when more energy enters the atmosphere and winds increase. The resulting vortices “clean” the ocean floor. These periods coincide with the period of change in orbital eccentricity associated with the influence of Mars.
Ocean currents slow due to climate warming
Ocean currents intensify with climate warming
If scientists are correct in their findings, this could be good news for the future of the Earth. As we said earlier, ocean currents are suffering due to global warming. For example, some scientists suggest that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation may stall in the coming decades.
Stopping circulation currents will have catastrophic consequences for the Earth. First of all, the oceans will lose their ability to absorb carbon dioxide and retain it at great depths. In addition, there will be a loss of oxygen at great depths, which will lead to the extinction of deep-sea inhabitants. At the same time, the upper layers of water will not contain nutrients that rise from the bottom, which will also negatively affect marine life.
In addition, ocean currents redistribute heat throughout the planet. Without them, some areas will heat up much faster. But, if scientists are not mistaken in their conclusions, it can be assumed that the current climate warming will lead to the emergence of new wind-driven ocean currents that will prevent water in the oceans from stratifying.
Perhaps the Earth also influenced the climate of Mars
According to researchers, there are now even some signs that this is already happening. However, according to the authors of the study, wind currents will not be as effective as, for example, AMOC. However, the question of how quickly they will arise and how effective they will be is beyond the scope of the study.
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Based on this study, we can draw another conclusion — If Mars influences the climate on Earth in this way, then our planet also influences the climate on Mars. However, it is not yet possible to draw conclusions about what climatic consequences this impact has led to.