Genetic mutations that make people beautiful

Many people associate the word “mutation” with something bad. In most cases, this is really not very good, because changes in genetic information cause serious diseases. For example, with a mutation in the WRN gene, a person is diagnosed withWerner syndrome– already at the age of 20, such people look like elderly people and suffer from age-related diseases. Many genetic diseases cause problems in people with mental health, motor control, and so on. However, certain changes in genes give men and women characteristics that give them unique beauty. Let's find out what mutations make people beautiful, and make sure of this by looking at the photographs.

Genetic mutations that make people beautiful. Some mutations give people unique beauty. Photo.

Some mutations give people unique beauty

Contents< /p>

  • 1 Mutation of blue eyes
  • 2 Mutation of different eye colors
  • 3 Mutation of freckles on the face and body
  • < li>4 White strand of hair on the head

  • 5 Two rows of eyelashes in a person

Mutation of blue eyes

All primitive people were brown-eyed, and blue eye color is a mutation. About 6,000–10,000 years ago, one of our distant ancestors changed the OCA2 gene, which limits the production of melanin in the iris. Melanin is a dye, and the higher its concentration, the darker a person's eyes. Blue-eyed people have little of this dye, which is why their eyes are striking in their clarity.

Mutation for blue eyes. All blue-eyed people have one common ancestor. Photo.

All blue-eyed people have one common ancestor

Mutation for blue eyes. Due to a lack of melanin, blue-eyed people are more sensitive to light. Photo.

Due to a lack of melanin, blue-eyed people are more sensitive to light

People find blue eyes attractive because they are rare—men and women with seawater eyes are very rare for most people. This shade of eyes immediately attracts attention and sometimes it is impossible to take your eyes off them.

Mutation of blue eyes. The results of a recent study showed that blue-eyed people see better than others. Photo.

The results of a recent study showed that blue-eyed people see better than others

Read also:5 little-known facts about blue-eyed people that will surprise you

Mutation of different eye colors

Sometimes changes in the OCA2 gene limit melanin production in only one eye. In this case, the person exhibits heterochromia—each of his eyes has its own, individual color. Also, some men and women experience sector heterochromia, in which one eye is colored in two colors at once.

Mutation of different eye colors. Girl with heterochromia. Photo.

Girl with heterochromia

Mutation of different eye colors. Heterochromia in a child. Photo.

Heterochromia in a child

Mutation of different eye colors. An example of sector heterochromia. Photo.

Example of sector heterochromia

People with heterochromia are also very attractive because this mutation makes them unique. Men and women with different eye colors are even rarer than blue-eyed people. This mutation is also common in animals, especially cats and dogs.

Mutation of different eye colors. Heterochromia in cats. Photo.

Heterochromia in cats

Mutation of freckles on the face and body

Some people have freckles on their face, shoulders, arms, and other parts of the body. These are small pigment spots on the skin that are dark yellow in color. Previously, it was believed that they appear solely due to exposure to sunlight. And only recently scientists have discovered that freckles are the result of a mutation.

Mutation of freckles on the face and body. Freckles have not been a problem for a long time - they are a beautiful feature. Photo.

Freckles have not been a problem for a long time – they are a beautiful feature

Changes in the MC1R gene cause the human body to produce less melanin. This dye darkens not only the eyes, but also the skin – it is necessary for protection from sunlight. With a lack of melanin, some areas of the skin have an uneven color. Freckles usually appear on exposed parts of the body, because the sun still plays some role in this process.

Mutation of freckles on the face and body. Freckles on the face of actress Emma Watson. Photo.

Freckles on the face of actress Emma Watson

Many people used to feel embarrassed about their freckles. But today it is perceived as part of natural beauty – many celebrities have freckles, and they seem to emphasize their beauty.

Read also:How, due to a rare gene mutation, a woman was accused of serial murders, and then pardoned

White strand of hair on the head

Some people have a white strand of hair growing on their head all their lives. This mutation is called piebaldismand is associated with changes in the KIT gene, which determines the color of a person’s skin, hair and eyes during fetal development. Due to this mutation, a strand of hair is devoid of color, and this gives a person an unusual appearance that attracts attention.

A white strand of hair on the head. An example of piebaldism in a mother and child. Photo.

An example of Piebaldism in mother and child

Piebaldism is a rare phenomenon that occurs 1 person among 17 thousand people. The mutation is inherited and manifests itself at a very early age.

Two rows of eyelashes in a person

Another beautiful mutation is distichiasis. If a person has a mutation in the FOXC2 gene, an extra row of eyelashes grows on their eyelids. Thanks to this, the look becomes very expressive. The most famous woman with this mutation was actress Elizabeth Taylor. It is known that as a child, her parents were often called to school because their daughter “used makeup.” But the girl’s lush eyelashes were natural.

Two rows of eyelashes on a person. Eyelashes of actress Elizabeth Taylor. Photo.

Eyelashes of actress Elizabeth Taylor

Distichiasis is more common not in people, but in dogs. For example, a second row of eyelashes can be seen in bulldogs, Pekingese, poodles and Yorkshire terriers. Many owners find out about this only after visiting a veterinarian. You can recognize distichiasis in a pet by the fact that it often scratches its eyes and they often turn red.

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On our website there is another similar article “5 deviations in appearance that make people unique.” We strongly recommend reading!

