How to find love using ChatGPT and artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually making its way into our lives, gaining prominence through personalized recommendations and smart assistants. Why, these technologies are already superior to humans in many ways. So, in 2023, the neural network won a photography competition, wrote an essay for admission to the Unified State Examination, and even appeared in a court case. Louder than the others, however, was the story of Russian State University for the Humanities student Alexander Zhadanov, who wrote and defended his thesis using ChatGPT. Now, a year later, Zhadanov again reminded of himself and his ability to handle AI – with the help of a Tinder bot running on ChatGPT, Zhadanov found his love. And although the reaction of the general public to the use of AI in love affairs has been largely negative, neural networks are increasingly becoming part of everyday life and are successfully helping people find their soulmate. It seems that the future has truly arrived.

How to find love using ChatGPT and artificial intelligence? ChatGPT helped a young man meet more than 5,000 women on Tinder and find the one. Photo.

ChatGPT helped a young man meet over 5,000 women on Tinder and find the one


  • 1 Love signal
  • 2 Online dating, chatbots and dopamine
  • 3 How to get married using ChatGPT (without registration and SMS)?
  • 4 Romance and Ethics
  • 5 Love in the Digital World

Love Signal

In 2019, a series called «Love Notice» was released on the Netflix streaming platform. («Love Signal»), the plot of which tells the story of a new mobile application that informs the user that there is a person within a radius of 10 meters who has feelings for him. The application, of course, is silent about who exactly experiences these feelings.

The plot of this Korean drama can hardly be called fantastic – in the end, we are literally living in Black Mirror, and mobile technologies are an integral part of everyday life. Moreover, various applications have long been used as assistants in love affairs, and it was only a matter of time before AI joined them.

Love signal. Love notifications (TV series 2019 – 2021). Photo.

Notifications of love (TV series 2019 – 2021)

Today we hear less and less love stories in which the characters met “offline.” Messengers and social networks have made it possible to start relationships remotely, erasing any boundaries between cities and countries. But since not everyone is ready to cross the ocean for a first date, most often we look for partners nearby – just like in «Love Signal» – within a radius of several meters (or kilometers, depending on who is more convenient).

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The most popular application in this segment is Tinder – a partially paid platform for Android and iOS, designed for romantic dating in accordance with specified parameters and taking into account geolocation. By the way, it was for this application that a former student of the Russian State University for the Humanities created «Amorous» chatbot.

Online dating, chatbots and dopamine

Although the use of artificial intelligence in dating applications is not new, what Alexander Zhadan did has attracted a lot of attention. All because the chatbot he created communicated with representatives of the opposite sexinstead of him. But before you dive into this amazing story, let’s note that online dating is not that simple. Well, or at least not so simple for everyone.

Introverts, for example, are more likely to encounter difficulties in communication, and this happens due to the brain's reaction to the neurotransmitter dopamine– a chemical substance that provides motivation to obtain external benefits, such as making money, climbing the social ladder, etc. In introverts, excessive release of dopamine causes anxiety and a desire for relaxation and solitude. Extroverts, in turn, are more sensitive to dopamine and the more of it under the pressure of external stimuli, the better they feel.

Online dating, chatbots and dopamine. Extroverts and introverts have different brain functions. Photo.

Extroverts and introverts have different brain functions

Learn more about why introverts and extroverts work differently perceive communication with others and what does brain chemistry have to do with it? We talked about it here, don’t miss it!

Moreover, sometimes people are simply not sure how to start a conversation or even create their profile on a particular dating app. This is where, as some experts note, generative artificial intelligence appears, which helps not only in writing biographies, but even in communicating with your partners.

In an interview with Business Insider, KJ Dhaliwal, director of strategic development at Social Discovery Group, which creates artificial intelligence technologies for dating, gaming and entertainment sites, said that tools like ChatGPT can be “used to help people meet people.” #187;.

Online dating, chatbots and dopamine. Online dating is commonplace. Photo.

Online dating is commonplace

A representative of CupidBot, a dating application based on artificial intelligence, previously told New York Post that the software helped one employee secure 13 dates in just one month.

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Last July, a survey conducted by Attractiontruth found that about 20% of 1,371 men aged 25 to 35 use ChatGPT to complete a dating app profile and create «individuals&#187 ; and «fascinating» messages.

Online dating, chatbots and dopamine. Dating and finding a suitable partner is not only a task for Homo sapiens. Photo.

Dating and finding a suitable partner is not only a task for Homo sapiens

As shown by the results of another study conducted by the company cyber security Kaspersky and Inner Circle, which surveyed single men and women in the UK, most single adults are willing to use ChatGPTto help them in online conversations. However, only 37% said they would like to use a chatbot to improve their profiles.

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How to get married using ChatGPT (without registration and SMS)?

But let’s return to the sensational case of Alexander Zhadanov, who found his betrothed with the help of a chatbot. It all started with a post on the social network X (formerly «Twitter»), in which the man described in detail why and how he started developing a bot for communicating with girls.

For context, the young man noted that finding a loved one is very difficult, and besides, he “wants to have time to work, engage in hobbies, study and communicate with people.” Of course, he could have found his soulmate without the help of AI, but this path would have taken much longer and would have required more financial investments.

How to get married using ChatGPT (without registration and SMS)? Post by Alexander Zhadan on social network X (formerly Twitter). Photo.

A post by Alexander Zhadan on social network X (formerly Twitter)

This is interesting: You constantly communicate with artificial intelligence in everyday life and don’t even notice it

Zhadanov said that ChatGPT communicated for him for a year and in total spoke with 5239 girls. The young man was looking for love on Tinder in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The algorithm he created filtered profiles, communicated with the women he liked, and set up dates. Only after the bot had selected several suitable candidates did Zhadan himself join the process.

ChatGPT found better girls and chatted longer. I was moving from Tinder to tg with someone. There he communicated and arranged meetings. ChatGPT swiped to the right 353 profiles, 278 tags, from 160 he continued the dialogue, from 12 I met,” the young man wrote in a thread in X.

Zhadan also detailed that he created several variations of the chatbot and improved them over time. Thanks to the work done, «virtual» the assistant conducted “small talk” with women, and also weeded out unsuitable partners. This became possible thanks to the installation of filters that identified girls suitable for further communication. The bot also suggested places for dates and topics for conversation in various situations to the young man.

How to get married using ChatGPT (without registration and SMS)? A love story with a happy ending. And all thanks to AI. Photo.

A love story with a happy ending. And all thanks to AI

I provided ChatGPT with information about how I communicate. At first there were problems, because the program didn’t know me, it could write some nonsense, but later I trained it to such an extent that it began to interact with girls like me, Zhadan said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

This story probably could have dragged on, and Alexander would have continued to go on dates if not for Karina, the girl to whom the young man proposed… on the advice of the same chatbot.

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«The most charming girl was found – Karina. ChatGPT communicated with her as V1 and V2, communication stopped for a while, then I continued to communicate myself through ChatGPT V2. Very empathic, cheerful, pretty, independent and always on the move. Simply put, SHE!»,” said Alexander.

Further communication between Karina and Alexander, interestingly, was not complete without a chatbot. Fortunately, the girl was not embarrassed by this situation and everything ended well – Karina answered “yes” to the marriage proposal. Let us note that the most striking thing in this story is not the teaching of «amorous» bot, but that it was he who advised Zhadan to propose to his beloved.

How to get married using ChatGPT (without registration and SMS)? Muscovite Alexander Zhadan, who became famous throughout the country after writing a thesis using a neural network, with his bride Karina. Photo.

Muscovite Alexander Zhadan, who became famous throughout the country after writing his thesis using a neural network, with his fiancee Karina

One day, ChatGPT V3 summarized the chat with Karina, based on which it recommended marrying her. I thought that V3 was hallucinating (I never specified the goal of getting married), but then I understood his train of thought – Karina said that she wanted to hang out at someone’s wedding and ChatGPT thought that it would be better at her own, says the thread.

This love story literally blew up the Internet, and the whole world learned about the young people and their upcoming wedding. According to the young man, dating (that is, dating and online dating) will not be the same, and modern AI technologies can help a huge number of people meet their soulmate.

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Romance and ethics

Despite the happy ending, many social network users were outraged by the story of Karina and Alexander. Most of the controversy arose over ethics and whether it is acceptable to use chatbots in love affairs. However, if you face the truth and take a sober look at the situation, it becomes obvious that the role of AI in romantic relationships is inevitable and will only grow over time.

Yes, yes, whether you like it or not, but AI becomes an invaluable allyin creating and maintaining strong, healthy relationships. And as artificial intelligence continues to advance, its potential to positively impact the emotional and romantic aspects of our lives is enormous. Using these technologies can lead to deeper connections and a better understanding of each other.

Romance and ethics. How will you feel knowing that you are communicating with a chatbot and not a real person? Photo.

How will you feel knowing that you are communicating with a chatbot and not a real person?

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But what about the ethical side of the issue? How will a person feel when he finds out that a bot is communicating with him, and not a real potential partner? Will it be considered lying if you do not indicate that your texts are generated by artificial intelligence? And how will you feel knowing that AI is communicating with you?

Unfortunately, there are no clear and time-tested answers to these questions, so everyone will decide for themselves whether they are ready for such communication or not. Experts, however, note that ethical considerations regarding data privacy and manipulation are fair.

Romance and ethics. Fortunately, chatbots cannot imitate a person for long, which means you can still determine who your real interlocutor is. Photo.

Fortunately, chatbots cannot imitate a person for a long time, which means you can still determine who your real interlocutor is.

Thus, artificial intelligence algorithms can perpetuate social norms and encourage prejudice, which can lead to an overall deterioration in the mental health and well-being of the people involved in such communication, experts say.

The story of Karina and Alexander also reminded users of social networks of other problems, in particular, fears that generative artificial intelligence tools could be used by scammers. One example is LoveGPT, which combined ChatGPT with existing technology to create fake profiles on several dating platforms.

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Moreover, responses curated by bots can be «creepy» and «impersonal», as some online users previously reported. Additionally, data-driven matching can reduce relationships between people to the status of a commodity, potentially devaluing genuine connections and relationships.

Love in a Digital World

Fortunately, modern chat -bots cannot pretend to be people for long and imitate live communication – as soon as issues become more personal, we have to rely on our ability to communicate delicately, take risks and gradually build trusting relationships.

Love in the digital world. Romantic relationships will never be the same - the Internet and AI are changing them, regardless of our opinion. Photo.

Romantic relationships will not be the same – the Internet and AI are changing them regardless of our opinion

In a word, artificial intelligence should be viewed as an assistant in the process of selecting partners (as Alexander Zhadan did), and not transfer the reins to the virtual hands of AI. In addition, matchmaking is an area in which neural networks have already achieved significant success.

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And, of course , we must not forget that progress cannot be stopped, and artificial intelligence technologies – regardless of our wishes – will continue to develop, exerting more and more influence on everyday life. As for romantic relationships, building them only with the help of AI will not work. And this is certainly good news.

