Google updates Android Auto to better fit touchscreens of all sizes in cars

Cars are getting bigger and bigger screensAndroid Auto, Google's mobile dashboard app, is getting another update. The company has focused on touch screens in it. Discuss all sizes in cars” alt=”Google has updated Android Auto to better fit all touchscreen sizes in cars” Google has updated Android Auto to better fit all touchscreen sizes in cars />

Google believes split-screen display will become standard for all Android Auto users, allowing them to access all key features such as navigation, media player, and messages at the same time. Previously, split screen was only available to owners of certain vehicles. This will now be the default user interface for all Android Auto users. At the same time, the option does not depend on what type of display the car has, what size and form factor it is.

Android Auto also adapts to any type of touch screen, regardless of its size . Google has acknowledged that car displays are getting bigger, especially in high-end models like the Mercedes-Benz EQS with its 56-inch hyperscreen (which is actually three separate screens). The company is working with automakers to better adapt Android Auto to this trend.

