To protect user privacy, the DuckDucko search engine has announced an update to its Chrome browser extension. Algorithms protecting users from two new Google advertising technologies: Topics and FLEDGE have been updated. Discuss alt=”DuckDuckGo has released a Chrome browser extension that blocks Google ad technologies” DuckDuckGo has released a Chrome browser extension that blocks Google ad technologies />
The extension allows you to either block these ad tracking technologies that Google is positioning as part of Chrome's privacy sandbox, or simply turn off the “Privacy Sandbox” setting in the browser.
The Privacy Sandbox feature added by Google to its browser is an alternative method for tracking and targeting users for online advertising. The company claims that the technology is privacy-focused, but many privacy advocates and regulators have criticized this initiative, including DuckDuckGo. , or First Locally-Executed Decision over Groups Experiment, is a new ad retargeting method. This method is also called annoying ads that follow users wherever they are on the Internet.