And other organs of the neck and head The surgeon, Dr. Geoffrey Young (Dr. Geoffrey Young) told what symptoms may indicate cancer of the organs located in the neck and head. Discuss
- Voice changes (including hoarseness) , difficulty or pain when swallowing, swelling or swelling in the neck, chronic sore throat or cough, difficulty breathing, and unexplained weight loss. It is especially necessary to pay attention to this if the symptoms last more than two weeks.
- Persistent sinus pressure or sinus congestion, frequent headaches, swelling in the nose, pressure or pain in the ears, pain in the teeth.
- Swelling in the front of the neck, pain in the neck or ears, difficulty swallowing or breathing, voice change or hoarseness, chronic cough. These could be symptoms of thyroid tumors.
- Sore throat or persistent cough, difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing, ear pain, lump in the neck or throat, voice change or hoarseness, difficulty breathing, unexplained weight loss. This may indicate cancer of the larynx. – In general, swelling or pain in the neck or throat.
In any case, self-diagnosis is not necessary. You should consult a doctor if you are concerned.