Insects can help fight gluten intolerance

They found the necessary enzymesScientists from Moscow State University have discovered that insect pests can help in the fight against celiac disease – gluten intolerance.DiscussInsects help fight gluten intolerance

Celiac disease is a chronic hereditary disease. It is characterized by the inability of most enzymes to completely break down gluten. The disease occurs in 1-2% of the world's population. There is no cure for it. Patients have to follow a strict diet. Therefore, scientists want to find enzymes in the external environment that can break down cereal proteins.

These they found among the digestive enzymes of insect pests of grain stocks. Now scientists are facing serious clinical trials. “In our further research on this topic, we hope to create a real enzyme therapy for celiac disease based on the discovered and studied digestive enzymes of insect pests,” the researchers added. They believe that such therapy will be effective.

