The doctor immediately revealed 3 ineffective ways to increase immunity

And he offered them a more worthy replacement. Very often people try to use various non-medical methods, which are supposedly designed to help with increasing immunity. The doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky decided to talk about three of them. Discuss =”The doctor immediately revealed 3 ineffective ways to increase immunity” The doctor immediately revealed 3 ineffective ways to increase immunity ) in no way helps to boost immunity. At the same time, dietary supplements and herbal remedies are also useless in the fight against diseases.

Komarovsky called homeopathy the third item on his list. the doctor noted that in order to maintain a healthy immune system, it is important to maintain proper sleep, a healthy diet, and add moderate exercise along with a complete rejection of alcohol.

What is interesting, among other things, the specialist advised to get vaccinated against viruses and get more positive emotions.


