China has opened a camp in which you can feel like the first colonist of Mars

At the beginning of 2019 China successfully put the spacecraft “Chang’e-4” on the reverse side of the moon, and he made a bunch of pictures and even conducted a biological experiment. The country has many more ambitious plans for space exploration — for example, at the end of the year, it already intends to send to the moon vehicle “Chang’e-5”, and a year later to develop a private the Rover. Such grandiose missions, people need to prepare carefully, so in China opened the camp in which you can feel like one of the first visitors to the red planet.

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It is located on the backside of the desert, a little further, Qinghai province. According to representatives of the new Park, this is the best place for its construction in all of China because it is most similar to Mars than other regions. Territory is as arid — for the year falls only 16 mm of precipitation.

The camp area is over 300 square meters and consists of makeshift landing pads for spacecraft and enclosed area for settlers. Camp with tents placed 160 people, and they can be not only scientists, but also ordinary tourists.

The construction of the camp took very little time work on the project began in 2018. It is known that he had spent about 22 million dollars, and its main goal was to show people how look the Martian colony and how people need them to survive.

Would you like to be in the Martian camp? Would you be able to live on Mars? Your answers feel free to write in comments and discuss the news more in our Telegram chat.

