This coating from plants of clay able to save things from the fire

Many home furniture like cabinets and sofas covered with fire resistant material. Unfortunately, some of them emit toxic fumes, so researchers are constantly in search of environmentally friendly replacement that does not harm the health of people and animals. Seems that the crew out of Texas invented fully meet this requirement the material that is made from plants and tiny plates made of clay.

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The material is made from an aqueous solution and consists of several layers. This solution consists of two important ingredients: fiber made from the cell walls of plants, and tiny plates of vermiculite clay. When the mixture dries, it turns into a thin transparent film, in which vegetable fibers and clay plate form similar to a brick wall structure.

This non-combustible and impermeable to oxygen material fully protects the underneath items. To prove this, the researchers coated them with polyurethane foam, which is often used in the manufacture of cushions for sofas. When exposed to fire, the coated material was not heated — the whole shot took plant a clay protective layer. When this layer was removed, the foam immediately melted.

According to the head of research Jaime Grunlan, this cover also reduces concentrations of vapor, which enhance combustion. At the moment, the researchers want to improve the material and consider the possibility of commercial implementation. Perhaps, in the near future this material will be covered by new models of chairs and sofas.

What do you think, in what else purposes it is possible to use this material? Your ideas write in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our Telegram chat where you can discuss other news of science and technology!

