“Meat from a test tube” has been approved in the United States

Literally on Friday U.S. authorities have agreed on how to regulate food product, cultivated from animal cells. It paves the way for the so-called “meat from a test tube” at the American plates. And look, we have to come, too, if history moves in spirals. The Ministry of agriculture and the Administration on control over products and medicines (FDA) agreed to regulate food products from cultured cells.

Although technical details have yet to be clarified, the FDA will monitor the collection and differentiation of cells when stem cells develop into specialized cells — while the Ministry of agriculture will oversee the production and labeling of food products.

Meat from the tube — plate

“This regulatory framework is used as the experience of the FDA, governing technology for cell cultures and live biological systems and the experience of the Ministry of agriculture of the States in the regulation of meat and poultry for human consumption,” says the statement. Add that the Agency does not see the need to change legislation on these issues.

In the US there are already some niche startups producing “lab meat”, but production costs are very high, and no one has a product ready for sale.

The proponents of the “meat tubes” claim that the removal of animals from the suffering associated with slaughter, reduce including greenhouse gas emissions and provide a growing population with protein.

It remains only to negotiate with the farmers on what products can be called “meat”. You can expect that with the FDA approval, the technology of production of laboratory meat will get support in further distribution (after all, what is not forbidden is allowed).

Would you eat meat from a test tube? Tell us in our chat in Telegram.

