The British company started microchipping their employees

The British company BioTeq development of the technology of implantation, decided to use their products for labeling its employees. According to the newspaper The Guardian, the company’s employees are in the process of implantation in their hands RFID chips. It is reported that BioTeq is not the only company in the country which begins to implement such practices.

In conversation with journalists The Guardian the founder of BioTeq Steven Northam noted that in this way the company will be able to increase the level of internal security. The members of the Finance Department and the development Department yet (but probably in the future it will be required) are invited to implant in your hand RFID tag, which will pass on a particular area of the company. The cost of the chips and the procedure can vary from 70 to 260 British pounds. Sam Northam and the entire Board of Directors, as heads of offices, were the first who were microchipped.

In an interview with Northam added that BioTeq is supplying such chips to Spain, France, Germany, Japan and China.

Another company, Swedish Biohax, which we recently reported, soon about to offer in the UK a similar service. According to information published on the official website Biohax, the company wants to open an office in London. It also says that to date, the services for implantation of the chips were already more than 4,000 people, mostly Swedes. Chips are used for fare payment in public transport, and also for access to their homes.

The news caused a great resonance with other human rights organisations in the UK who say that the implantation of microchips into the bodies of employees will allow latter to further penetrate into people’s personal lives and gives them a new tool for tracking their employees.

“Microchipping will give CEOs more power over their employees. There’s definitely have high risks, and employers must not ignore them or put pressure on their employees to those gone through such procedures,” say the defenders.

Really started something that everyone so feared? I’ll get to Russia?

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