Blockchain-the company bought the developer of asteroids Planetary Resources

A very unusual purchase carried out a blockchain company ConsenSys, the Brooklyn startup developing software for the platform Ethereum. She bought a very well-known company Planetary Resources. However, it is known not for its accomplishments, and their ambitions: Planetary Resources one of the first conceived to deal with the extraction of mineral resources on asteroids. It is unclear exactly how the two companies will work well together, but the founder of the ConsenSys Joe Lubin (who also helped to develop the Ethereum) says about the “decentralization of space endeavors”, which is definitely suitable for placing on the blockchain.

“I admire the Planetary Resources for its world-class talent, innovative experience and inspiration of people across the planet to support a bold vision for the future,” said Luynes. “Attracting the potential development of deep space in the ecosystem ConsenSys reflects our belief in the potential of Ethereum to create a new system of social control through the automated trust and guaranteed performance. And it reflects our belief in the democratization and decentralization of a space effort that will unify our species and to unlock untapped human potential”.

The asteroids on the blockchain

Lubin also promised to disclose more information in the coming months. Meanwhile, CEO of Planetary Resources Chris Levitsky (formerly of jet propulsion Laboratory, NASA) and General counsel Brian Israel will come to work for ConsenSys. They also expressed their pleasure in the incident, and the joy of the vision.

An unlikely Alliance, agree? Tell us in our chat in Telegram.

