Patriarch Kirill called gadgets a threat to the children and the country

Patriarch Kirill spoke about the gadgets, answering questions on held in Moscow VIII Congress of the Church in social service.

Патриарх Кирилл и пингвин в Антарктиде
Patriarch Kirill and the penguin in Antarctica

In his opinion, excessive kids gadgets and games can lead to tragic consequences as the children themselves and the country. He noted that the abuse of games the child forms wrong “sustainable tendencies: pleasure is important”, the Patriarch said: “the Ability of a person to perform the feat completely contradicts the idea to have fun.”

The Patriarch told reporters: “the Abuse of electronic games and the immersion of children is a huge mistake parents and a huge challenge for the state. If the next generation will be brought up in the desire to constantly have fun, we’ll lose”.

