VKontakte launched a dark theme mobile app

Team social network Vkontakte announced the launch of a special dark theme for mobile applications. This feature has already appeared in the iOS version, and will become available for Android.

According to the project developers, the update will help users to protect eyesight in areas without lighting in the dark. To install the dark theme you need to select the menu item “appearance” in the settings app.

According to Anton Spivak, iOS developer Vkontakte, in the standard version of the application used over 200 different colors, which are to create a dark theme was to lead to a single palette. For this purpose was created a special algorithm that helped the teams development and design to perform all elements of the application and to choose for each of them dark shades with a comfortable level of contrast, brightness and saturation. Just to create a dark theme has processed more than 300 screens and 2000 different files.

