In Russia have created a radar for monitoring icebergs drifting

Despite the development of the industry of shipbuilding, drifting icebergs pose to seafarers the same danger that many years ago. And often the data received from satellites, tracking them may not be enough. However, a group of Russian researchers recently completed a series of tests of a prototype radar for monitoring icebergs. Moreover, the new system can be easily installed on most existing unmanned drones.

The new device is quite compact and, as already mentioned, is easily installed on unmanned aerial vehicles. The radar is able to determine the density of ice, to identify the trajectory of their movement, and monitor weather conditions that may affect the movement of icebergs, providing these data in real-time. As stated by CEO of RTI, who developed radar, Maxim Kuzyuk,

“The results of the research work, the experimental sample of our PLC (onboard radar complex), which is planned to be installed including on unmanned aerial vehicles, has demonstrated results superior characteristics created earlier radar systems review.”

Today in our country do not put into series production complexes to monitor the movement of drifting icebergs and the creation of such devices will significantly protect Northern shipping routes and will allow us to more efficiently produce rescue, reconnaissance, and scientific missions in harsh cold seas.

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In Russia have created a radar for monitoring icebergs drifting
Vladimir Kuznetsov

