In Germany have launched the first train on hydrogen fuel

The creation of vehicles running on alternative fuels, conceptual development finally moved to the production of serial models. For example, Germany has launched train Coradia iLint — the first train running on hydrogen fuel cells.

Coradia iLint developed by a group of experts from French company Alstom, and was first presented at the exhibition InnoTrans in Berlin in 2016. At the moment the rails between the cities of Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervorde and Buxtehude runs 2 trains, each of which can accommodate up to 300 passengers. Fuel cells produce energy in the form of electricity during the reaction of combining hydrogen and oxygen. A by-product in this case is water. The resulting energy charges lithium-ion battery, energy which is enough to travel about 1000 kilometers. The speed will be very big — the train is able to accelerate to 140 kilometres per hour.

Until the end of 2021 on the Railways of Germany should receive the 14 such trains hydrogen fuel. But with all the advantages to the environment, from an economic point of view, such trains can be expensive, however the Manager project management Alstom Stefan I have been explained the situation:

“The only negative of our train — their cost and the costs of refills. However, their maintenance requires much lower costs overall, so to run trains on hydrogen fuel at a cost approximately aligned with a diesel.”

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In Germany have launched the first train on hydrogen fuel
Vladimir Kuznetsov

