Pizzeria from Boston will add to the menu created by AI

Artificial intelligence already is used in many areas from small settlements and ending with developments in the field of medicine and space exploration. And recently a group of researchers from mit have taught the AI to develop new recipes for cooking pizza. And the AI wants to “hire” to work at one of the pizzerias of Boston.

And research new tricks trained neural network open source textgnrnn, which initially focused on the generation of phrases on a certain subject on the basis of available texts. In this case we used pizza recipes from books and cooking blogs, which was given “at the mercy” of the neural network. After analyzing the information textgnrnn have created their own unique mix of products and introduced new dishes.

Then check the new recipes trusted cooks pizza Crush Pizza. In the end, not all recipes turned out edible, and some of them could not exist in reality. Like you, for example, such ingridienty as a sliced caramel cheese and the dressing of the walnut? In addition, the AI-sometimes the chef forgot to add sauce. But there were good options that can rather be attributed to the kitchen in the style of fusion (a combination of, for example, spinach, peach and cranberry on a pizza may seem strange), but they were quite edible and tasty.

It is best to have the AI turned out, according to experts Crush Pizza, a combination of shrimp, jam and Italian sausage. This pizza want to include in the main menu, as well as some other, slightly brought to mind by local chefs. If you are interested in this topic – below you can watch a detailed video about the first pizza, created AI.

How do you feel about the dishes created by the AI? Voice your opinion in our telegram chat.

Pizzeria from Boston will add to the menu created by AI
Vladimir Kuznetsov

