What planet seem to be the biggest on Earth?

Mars will never be as big as the full Moon. But this is not the biggest planet. From the point of view of a person, the Sun and the Moon will always dominate in the earthly heaven. But we know that Jupiter, Saturn — all the planets giants — never be as big in the sky as the Sun or the Moon. Why?

Before the sun and the Moon pales everything else, if you talk about brightness, and they seem to be more from the point of view of angular size of about 30 arc minutes (30′), or half a degree.

What planet in the night sky are the biggest?

All the planets in our Solar system bigger and bigger moon, but are much farther away from Earth than she is.

The closer the planet to Earth, the more they seem

But their angular sizes are changing as the planets rotate relative to each other.

Mercury, the smallest planet, is changing from 4.5′ ‘to 13’ ‘where 1’ ‘ (arc second) is 1/3600 of a degree.

Neptune (2,2′ ‘to 2.4’ ‘) and Uranus (from 3.3’ ‘4.1’ ‘) will seem even smaller.

Their remoteness from the Earth it will provide.

Mars experiences the largest relative variations of angular size, from 3.5′ ‘to 25.1’ ‘.

Saturn, the second planet in size, ranging from 14.5′ ‘to 20.1’ ‘, but if you turn on its main ring, the size of the variations will be huge — from 33,8’ ‘to 46.9’ ‘.

Jupiter, the largest planet, is quite far from Earth.

Its angular size varies from 29.8′ ‘to 46.9’ ‘.

Venus, our sister planet, comes close to the Earth, ranging from the 9.7′ ‘to an impressive 66’ ‘.

People with excellent eyesight, when Venus is closest, can see her Crescent phase even without a telescope.

What planet seem to be the biggest on Earth?
Ilya Hel

