Quantum future technologies will use the identical entangled particles

Usually when physicists carry out quantum entanglement of particles — whether the qubits, atoms, photons, electrons, etc., — these particles can be distinguished. More recently, physicists have demonstrated the possibility of creating entangled particles that are completely identical. What is remarkable is the confusion exists because of the indistinguishability of particles without any interaction between them. But now, in the new work, physicists have taken another step, showing that entanglement of identical particles can be used and potentially used for quantum applications

Rosario Lo Franco, and Giuseppe Compagno of the University of Palermo in Italy have published a paper about the use of entanglement for identical particles in Physical Review Letters.

How to explain physics to two independent, identical particles were entangled, they must be in physical proximity in space — or, in technical terms, the wave function of a particle should at least partially overlap in space. If the spatial overlay will not, will not and confusion. If the spatial overlap will be the area of overlap to be measured, with a certain probability will be the conditional complexity. The confusion is probably only if the wave functions are completely overlapping in space.

What is most important in the new study, is the fact that physics has developed the procedure of direct extraction of entanglement, which occurs when wave functions fully overlap, and then use this entanglement for various applications. To do this, they expanded the concept LOCKE (local operations and classical communication), which is commonly used to quantify entanglement between distinguishable particles to indistinguishable, identical particles. It took the determination of spatial LOCKE-operations (sLOCC), in order to detect entanglement of identical particles and use them, for example, for the Protocol of teleportation.

“Our study shows that the primary mechanism of entanglement can be implemented by simple superposition of independent identical particles and entanglement by means of sLOCC operations,” says Lo Franco. “This operational approach needed to conduct experiments.”

Quantum future technologies will use the identical entangled particles
Ilya Hel

