Implants to improve memory you can use. And they work!

For quite a long time mankind, by studying the brain, trying to find a way to artificially enhance brain activity. And the more advanced science becomes, the more likely it is that such a venture will be successful. For example, the recently concluded project funded by DARPA, was able to show that human memory can be strengthened by artificial means.

According to the Journal of Neural Engineering, the study involved 15 people who in varying degrees have suffered from memory loss due to epilepsy. Each participant experiences the brain was implanted a small neuroimplant which monitor what happens in the brain during the learning process. The tests themselves were fairly simple: people had to look at the picture, and after a break to properly identify it among four other images. At this time, the scientists recorded brain activity to identify brain regions that are involved in the formation of memory. Then began the second phase of the research: the subjects were also shown pictures and asked to identify them among the other four, but only this time, the previously detected areas of the brain was stimulated by neuroimplants. The results showed that short-term memory of the participants improved by 37%, and long-term — 35%. As stated by the head of the project, Robert Hampson,

“The first time we were able to identify the code for the process of memory formation in the brain and in fact could record this code to the existing memory run faster. This is an important step for a potential cure for memory loss and increase its volume”.

However, despite such encouraging results, talk about the final success of the technology will only be possible after conducting more extensive research, because the group of 15 people – not relevant from a statistical point of view the sample. However, memory improvement is on average a third of all participants of the experiment are encouraging.

Implants to improve memory you can use. And they work!
Vladimir Kuznetsov

