Researchers: miners earn more of the cryptocurrency speculators

Researchers at the University of California produced a series of calculations in which came to the conclusion that speculation cryptocurrencies are much less profitable than mining, writes Cryptovest.

A group of researchers analyzed the potential revenues from mining and compared it with speculation nearly two dozen altcoins. While Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, along with other popular cryptocurrencies in the research are not accepted.

In the course of the research, the scientists took a real trade data and took into account the cost of mining, after which they came to the conclusion that the income from mining more stable and less risky than trying to make money on speculation Althingi. The return of investment in mining ranged from 7 to 18 percent, while the speculators got from -1 to 0.5 percent of income.

For the sake of objectivity, the researchers report that the cryptocurrency market is very unstable, and the study lasted only a few days, so the forecast issued by experts, should be considered short-term. Huang said that if the study lasted more than a week, and the results could be completely opposite.

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Researchers: miners earn more of the cryptocurrency speculators
Vyacheslav Larionov

