In Puerto Rico began to fix the lines using drones

After the devastating hurricane “Maria” in Puerto Rico continues to experience problems with energy supply. This is especially true for remote areas where uprooted elektrostali and trees interrupted kilometers of wires stretched over the cliffs and fissures in the jungle. A year ago, to restore the damaged power lines was used helicopters, but after one of the pilots crashed during the maneuver, it was decided to find a safer alternative. Us energy company Duke Energy reports that it is now in Puerto Rico electricians use drones to repair the damaged power lines, writes Wired.

Now in the Arsenal of Duke Energy, there are several drones that the energy company has ordered the developer AceCore Technologies for 18 thousand dollars apiece. These drones can not only seek damages in the wires, but also help the repairmen to pull the wires, replacing broken sections in new. Representatives of Duke Energy said that after the company started to use drones, the number of accidents and mishaps in the process decreased significantly. Now to work on high altitude with energized equipment has become much easier.

Below you can see a video where the operator-fitter with the help of Quad pulls the wire through the cliffs and rugged vegetation.

Recall that after hurricane “Maria” AT&T already repaired there cell towers with similar devices.

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In Puerto Rico began to fix the lines using drones
Vyacheslav Larionov

