Apple patents MacBook with the screen keyboard

As you know, in order to start serial production of the new model, you first need to patent the device, therefore, the patent agencies are often good sources of information on emerging devices in the future. And recently, the office of the United States patent and trademark office (USPTO) approved a patent application from Apple to manufacture MacBook brand new type.

As described in the application, the hypothetical future device will have in addition to the main screen of the touchscreen instead of the keyboard. To be precise, the wording is: “dual-screen hardware with enhanced visibility and suppression of reflections”.

Besides the obvious functions of the keyboard and trackpad replacement, the new device can also be used as a graphics tablet to draw (something like products known in the circles of designers from Wacom, even, perhaps with the support of Apple Pencil). In addition, we can assume that the “top” of the screen can be removed using both displays separately from each other. In this case, the role of primary or auxiliary display will be able to carry the tablet from Apple, such as iPad Pro.

It is also worth noting that last spring, Apple has already patented a similar design, but was then patented a docking station that turns iPad into a MacBook to connect to it. Moreover, some rumors claim that Apple also has a patent for the development device, in which the touchpad is used iPhone.

All these flirtations with the Association of devices to each other, of course, look very interesting, but wouldn’t that be just as necessary as a fifth wheel to the car? After all, despite all the advantages of hybrid devices, individually, they always lose a complete device in terms of available functions. What do you think, whether devices-hybrids on the market or for each specific task needs its own niche gadget? Voice your opinion in the comments or in our telegram chat.

Apple patents MacBook with the screen keyboard
Vladimir Kuznetsov

