Qtum Foundation will launch a mini-farm for mining in space

The company Qtum Foundation believes that to maintain the blockchain network is quite expensive, but if you send computing power into orbit, you can save electricity and money. Space mining future is decided in Qtum, so have already started the development of special platforms that are able to function effectively in space.

The electricity consumption of the Bitcoin network is constantly growing, and with it rising costs. In order to mitigate them, Qtum Foundation joined forces with the company SpaceChain to jointly develop and begin orbit of ultra-low mining-satellites, weighing several kilograms.

They were launched will be equipped with microcomputers on the basis of Кaspberry Pi and the software, created by experts at Qtum. The satellites will mine cryptocurrency in orbit using the algorithm of PoS. This algorithm consensus-building, reminiscent of a Proof-of-Stake is the right of approval of the transaction is provided to the nodes, the accounts of which were more money over time.

Mining cryptocurrency in space not only saves electricity, but also to apply for that cheap microcomputers instead of expensive specialized equipment.

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Qtum Foundation will launch a mini-farm for mining in space
Vyacheslav Larionov

