The neural network recognize bad black men and women

The facial recognition system already firmly in our lives. It is used in scanners like Face ID and even used to search for criminals. But, according to the publication Science Daily, a team of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) and Stanford, having studied several commercial AI algorithms for face recognition, showed signs of sexism and racism.

The study revealed that in the analysis of photographs of white males, the algorithms incorrectly defined gender only in 0,8% of cases, and in the case of black women, the percentage of errors averaged about 30%. To identify patterns in the employee MIT joy Buolamwini has 1200 photos of different people (which, however, were mostly depicted women with dark skin). Then she turned to the Fitzpatrick scale, according to which there are 6 phototypes of skin, where I is the lightest, and VI being the darkest.

In the end it turned out that women with dark skin with the assessment of IV, V or VI according to Fitzpatrick scale, the error rate was 20.8%, 34.5% and 34.7% respectively. Thus it was possible to establish that the darker the skin phototype, the more the probability that the algorithm will make a mistake. In identifying men with light skin percentage of errors did not exceed 0.8%. Moreover, joy (who is herself African-American) tried to analyze your own photos, and it turned out that the system is either not recognize her face, or incorrectly define gender.

In fact, such research can be treated differently. But putting aside all the jokes and prejudices about tolerance, the study raises a very important question: do the algorithms for facial recognition to work properly? After all, with their help China can already try to prosecute. In addition, the new finding is weakly consistent with the statement of one of the software companies that created software for neural networks and claimed that their software recognize face with accuracy in 97% of cases. What do you think? Express your opinion in our new telegram chat.

The neural network recognize bad black men and women
Vladimir Kuznetsov

