On iPhone X left the game, control which need eyebrows

All we’ve seen in the gaming industry: management with movement, jumps, gestures, touching the touch screens, but as a controller to control the game used your own eyebrows? A graduate of Washington University Nathan, Gitter decided that it’s a pretty fun idea. So was born the game Rainbrow (a pun on “rainbow” — the rainbow and the “eyebrow” eyebrow).

Integrated in the flagship Apple smartphone Face ID system is primarily designed for biometric authentication of the user. But it can also be used for entertainment purposes. For example, animating Emoji, which we so amused by the Apple employees on the iPhone X. So why not create a game whereby the user could control the main character through facial expressions? No sooner said than done.

The game is Rainbrow in diversity and sophistication. It is a kind of remake of the once popular game of Frogger (1981), in which the frog had to cross the road, where in multiple threads raced cars, and also on the moving logs to get across the river. Traffic with each level increased and the flow velocity is accelerated. In this game manage to be not a frog, and a little happy face, collecting bonuses on the way the colors of the rainbow, where you race tiny cars.

The only difference from the game Frogger is that to control the smiley you are prompted with the movements of his eyebrows. To smiley jumped up, you need to throw up eyebrows, and he sank a little lower, on the contrary, to frown. Here’s a fun trainer for facial muscles that will not only entertain you but at the same time and pump your face. Download the game absolutely free here at this link.

On iPhone X left the game, control which need eyebrows
Sergey Grey

