Elon Musk: AI for our drones — the best in the world

Talking about the work of Jim Keller, Director of the Department of development hardware, Elon Musk admitted that Tesla makes the hardware and software for their application in UAVs. Speaking about potential developments, Musk, without false modesty, said that they are the best in the world.

Now for its unmanned systems Tesla uses NVIDIA graphics cards, including advanced hardware development, but they periodically floated rumors that soon the partnership can end up as Tesla will create hardware for drones themselves. It seems that soon Tesla will indeed refuse to third party equipment.

Musk noted that the Autonomous technology, working on the equipment Tesla, will appear not earlier than in two years — that’s when they will become available to everyone. A year later, the artificial intelligence system created for Tesla autopilot will cope with driving much better people.

Talking about private development, Musk said that AI in the truest sense of the word will appear in the next five to ten years, which again attracted the attention of the skeptics professionals in the field of AI have a completely different opinion, so do not take the forecasts of the head of Tesla seriously.

Elon Musk: AI for our drones – the best in the world
Vyacheslav Larionov

