Scientists have found a way to rid the brain of unwanted thoughts

Many people suffer from the oppressive consciousness of thoughts, worried about work, family, relationship problems and many other things. Sometimes depression or post-traumatic stress disorder is so spoil the quality of human life, this leads to very sad consequences. How wonderful it would be, I think, if the pill is able to suppress in the brain of unwanted thoughts, spoiling the mood and distracting from the truly useful things. Scientists from Cambridge, it seems, approached the solution of this problem.

The solution, according to the researchers, lies in the particular substance, recently discovered in the brain and is able to suppress such negative thoughts. A team of scientists headed by Professor Michael Anderson and Dr Taylor Schmitz spent on the group of subjects experiment under the plain name “Thinking/Not thinking.” He meant the memorization of the experimental series unrelated to each other words. Then they were asked to recall the words by showing them only the first word in the chain. However, people should remember the remaining words only when they showed him the word written in green letters. If the letters were red, he had to try to suppress my memories about the rest of the words.

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectrography, the scientists carefully monitored the brain activity and brain chemistry of the subjects. It was noted that an important role in the suppression of thoughts plays the prefrontal cortex – the so-called “command center” of the human brain. But the most interesting discovery was the impact on the process of a chemical known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, when GABA is released by one nerve cell, it suppresses activity in the other cells linked to it.

The discovery is particularly important because for the first time opened to them the truth about how there is the suppression of thoughts in the human brain. In particular, the concentration of GABA in the hippocampus (actively participating in the process memory) allows scientists to predict how effective the subject can suppress memories. In other words, scientists close to unraveling the mysteries of how science of the future will be able to cure humanity from unwanted thoughts, worries and depressions. The research results were published in the journal Nature Communications.

Scientists have found a way to rid the brain of unwanted thoughts
Sergey Grey

