10 the coming “end of the world”, which need not to sleep

Remember 2012? And remember, all ten years before the year the world almost every month was appointed “doomsday” in 2012? But struck chimes, came out a few disaster movies and… nothing happened. The world has not ended. I think that astrologers have failed? As it is not so.

And yet knowing how much is left to mankind, it is important for the planning of social life. So here’s ten dates that tell when the Earth will end its existence. Or not.

The Great Tribulation


According to the Bible, the Great Tribulation will be the worst time in the history of mankind, followed by the end of the world. The Christian Apocalypse theorists believe that the fall of 2017 will be the beginning of this seven-year period of painful suffering.

To this date, it took a lot of people, difficult Bible verses and calculations, but basically, the theory revolves around important dates relating to Jerusalem. In 1217 Rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel made a number of predictions concerning Jerusalem and the end of the world. First, he stated that the Turks will monitor the area for eight jubilees. (A jubilee is a 50-year period that ends with the forgiveness of the people, debt forgiveness and grace). According to the Rabbi, 1217 was the beginning of a jubilee cycle, as well as 1517, when the Turks invaded Jerusalem, 300 years after his predictions. In 1917, after the eight jubilees, the Turks were driven out of Jerusalem for Hanukkah.

Then Ben Samuel prophesied that this city would become no-man’s land on the ninth anniversary, that is just under British rule when it was considered a corpus separatum (separate body) and the international territory. Then, the city was divided between Israel and Jordan in 1948, and in 1967, at the end of the ninth anniversary, he came back under Israeli control.

2017 marks the 50th anniversary since Israel regained full control of Jerusalem. This is the last year of the tenth anniversary. According to the Rabbi, it was then that the Jews will rule Israel and the world will end.

The ninth prediction


Hopi tribe of native Americans living in Arizona. In 2010 the reservation of 6.6 million square kilometers were 19 327 — the hopi tribe is one of the largest in the United States. And this culture has a long history.

Like many Indian tribes, the hopi were confronted with the brutality of Spanish conquistadors, though, and saw a glorious victory in 1542 and 1680. Finally, in 1882, President Arthur gave them the reservation, but for years before that, they communicated with the us government. One of the most important meetings took place in 1958 between a Minister David young and the hopi elder White Feather. During this meeting, White Feather gave Yang some ancient predictions of the hopi.

The first two predictions were about white people and spinning wheels filled with voices that spoke of the hopi, embodied in the arrival of the Europeans and the conquest of the Americans. The next was “a strange beast like a Buffalo” crossing the land, which meant the warning of the scale of modern agriculture. The following three predictions were about the iron snakes, giant spider webs and stone rivers, Railways, telecommunication wires and roads.

These six predictions were fulfilled before they told the young. And the last three are not.

The first prediction of the future, made by White Feather, was devoted to the sea, which becomes black, giving death to all that is in it. Many have attributed this to the forecast for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The following prediction was talking about a long-haired youth trying to know Indian customs, which could be attributed to the hippie movement. And here is the ninth prediction:

“You hear about dwelling in the heavens, above the Earth that will fall with great destruction. It will appear as a blue star. Soon after the ceremony of my people will cease.”

The easiest way would be to assume that the comet will crash into the Earth, and although many believe that this is about this prophecy, others believe that the “blue star” may be something else. The Chinese space laboratory Tiangong-1 has lost contact with Earth in 2016. Now it revolves around the planet and will do so until you fall to the Ground. Will it be the blue star prophecy of the White Feather? Or will it be some kind of experiment that will put an end to mankind? Wait until October 2018, when the lab will make a re-entry into the atmosphere. If we survive, we will wait for the comet.

The second coming


Jeane Dixon is one of the most important figures among the forecasters of the 20th century. In addition to working closely with U.S. presidents Nixon and Reagan, Dixon wrote in a newspaper column and has written several books, including a horoscope for dogs.

In 1973, Dixon published his most famous book, “Call of fame”, which its followers consider to be prophetic. In her Catholic clairvoyant claimed that the beginning of the end will come in 2020, starting with the voice that will be heard around the world and say, “it’s over”. It will be a sign for the Second coming of Christ, who will fight with Satan before the world ends in 2037.

Fortunately, like most other psychics, Dixon was wrong. But unlike most other psychics, the phenomenon of ignoring the incorrect facts was named in her honor and is now known as the effect of Jeane Dixon. Dixon also claimed that it received information has always been good, she just interpreted it wrong.

The second coming (again)


If you don’t trust psychics and prefer to receive information about the Apocalypse directly from the Bible itself, then you are to Kenton to Beshore. The President of the world Bible Society Besor convinced that Armageddon will occur “no later than” 2021. One of the main reasons for the forecast — interpretation of the parable of the Fig tree.

The parable was: the owner of the vineyard was angry that his Fig tree did not give figs for three years. Then he came to the gardener and said, cut it, if it does not bear fruit. The gardener prayed: Lord, give me a year, and a year view. Most interpreterpath its as if God is preparing to hit the infidels, but Jesus gives them a second chance.

However, since the Fig tree is often taken as a metaphor of Israel, Bechor and others believe that the parable means something completely different. In his book “When” Bechor argues that the parable means that Jesus will return in one generation from the founding of Israel, and it will happen in 2028. Because Jesus will battle Satan, to earn the respect of good men, this means chaos and anarchy, which will begin in 2021.

The asteroid, suicidal world


International Foundation for the Messiah was established in 2002 and acts as a kind of spiritual meat grinder. The Fund seems to believe in all theistic religions, but mostly Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.

The Foundation of the Messiah believe that scientists are knowledgeable about a giant asteroid hurtling toward our planet, with which he will face in 2026. But while these unnamed scientists believe that by that time we will have the technology to destroy him, the Fund does not agree. The asteroid will believe the end of mankind.

The Fund argues that when this happens, the Messiah will arrive and save anyone worth saving. Needless to say, among the expected Jesus. For those who are not waiting for Jesus to arrive Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, His Sublime Eminence RA Riaz Gohar Shahi, who founded the Fund for the Messiah. Remarkably, the latter are also waiting, despite the fact that he’s not dead yet.

The Prediction Of Newton


When I think of Newton, his name is inevitably associated with science and thinking, but as it turned out, the man who fell on the head by a falling Apple, it would not hurt and to come down to Earth a little bit. For anybody not a secret that Newton firmly believed in God, but few remember that his faith in the Bible was as strong as faith in science. He believed that the Bible contains allusions to the end of the world, just be sure to read it.

Newton’s calculations were long and complicated, but in essence he believed that the world would end after a long period of turmoil in the Catholic Church. Newton believed that 800 year marked the beginning of the period of decomposition and the supremacy of the Pope. In the Book of Revelation refers to the “time, times and dividing of time” that Newton interpreted as a year, two years and six months, or 3.5 years in total. Also mentions 42 months. 3.5 years and 42 months represent the 1260 days in old Jewish calendar, and as the days often represent years in the Bible, Newton concluded that the end of the world will come in 2060.

However, Newton noted that he sees no reason that the world would end before 2060. Ironically, he hoped that his prediction would help “to put an end to the rash assumptions of eccentrics, who often predict the end of the world”. He did not come out.

The Islamic second coming


Before the advent of comic books and movies parallel universes existed only in a religious sense. Technically, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. These religions, along with several smaller ones, known as the Abrahamic religions and the consolation half of believers around the world. Therefore, if Christianity was the sequel to Judaism, Islam is an offshoot, a spin-off, in which Jesus appears as a respected prophet, not the Messiah. As if Iron Man has appeared in the new film about spider-Man.

According to some islamitisch hadith, the Apocalypse will not happen overnight, but gradually. It starts with the fact that the world plunged into a war against Muslims, which, in principle, partly already happening. In response, the Madhi, who will unite all Muslims and prepare them to return to the prophet, who, according to many, can be Jesus. Because the hadith says that the son of Mary will break the cross and kill the pig. Will break the cross is, of course, means separation of Christianity, which has gone the way, which was not close to Jesus. Killing the pig means restoring the rules of Judaism, which had been abandoned in Christianity, like the ban on eating pork.

Said Nursi studied these hadiths and decided that defined the schedule of these events. According to his interpretations, the world will end in earthquakes, fire and battle one-eyed monsters, which will fight the Messiah when Gog and Magog come down to Earth. Gog and Magog appear in the Torah, the Koran and the Bible, sometimes as a humanoid creature, sometimes representing hostile Nations. Whoever they were, Nursi believed that all this happens in a 2129 year, so most of us probably will be able to observe all this from the infernal cauldron, of course.

Watch The Messiah


It is known that the Jews waiting for the Messiah is one of the Central beliefs of Judaism. It is not surprising that many have tried to calculate the exact time of his arrival. Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna was a scholar of the 18th century, which developed the watch (not physically, but as a method of timekeeping), to count down the time until the arrival of the Messiah. Psalm 90:4 says that every 1000 years for a day in the eyes of God, so Elijah took it upon six days of creation. It turns out, on the seventh day, the Sabbath, God will begin to rule us forever. This time, it is also known as the Messianic age.

Jewish days is a little different than the Gregorian, new days begin at sunset, not sunrise. Therefore, the Messianic age will begin in the year 6000, not 7000. The year 6000 will see the sunset 30 September 2239. Thus, this is the last possible date for the arrival of the Messiah before the Sabbath, although it may appear early to help us prepare for the new Kingdom of Heaven.

Unfortunately, although eternal Saturday will bring in a world of harmony and tranquility, she will come only for those who are actively preparing for the coming of the Messiah. Even if you are a Jew, you do not see the Messiah, if you will not contribute to its arrival.

Koransky code


Rashad Khalifa was an Egyptian biochemist and a divine messenger of God, as he himself proclaimed. In the late 1960-ies of the Caliph began to use computers to search for mathematical codes hidden in the Quran. By the mid-1970s he found them. His research focused on the frequency of words, letters, verses, numbers, etc, the number 19 reveals the secrets of the ancient text.

Some evidence of this lies in the fact that the first verse of the Quran has 19 letters and the first verse of the last revelation. The number of chapters between the famous “missing message” and an additional message 19, and these edits were made by scientists in 19 years after the prophet’s death. If you put the name Rashad Khalifa (e.g., A = 1, B = 2), the numbers somehow are summarized in 19, showing in front of us the Herald of the Apocalypse. There are many other proofs, but you need to know.

The Quran, like most Holy books, invites us to look for a few things that will notify us about the end of the world. Among them, the splitting of the moon (the faithful believe that when people are brought back to Earth moon rock, it happened); the discovery of the secret code (the above code 19); the creation of “earthly creations” which will reveal to us the existence of our Creator, that is, computers.

Using these codes and hints Khalifa deduced that the world will end existence in the year 2280, so we still have a little time on Earth. When the end will come, you will hear a beep and the Land will be crushed, “truly crushed” as heaven. Fortunately, for believers, will be created the second Earth and Heaven.

The problem of mathematical codes that are relatively easy to make fit your prediction. Most of the evidence includes a reference to such things as the total number of verses in the Quran is 6346 (334 multiplied by 19). Thus, the most convincing argument in favor of this prediction is a criminal offense: murder Khalifa. Khalifa was killed by his former pupil in January 1990. Nineteen years later the murderer was extradited from Canada for trial and eventually convicted. 19 Dec 2012.

Sermon Of The Seven Suns

About 84517 year

From about 4200 known religions that have existed throughout the history of mankind, the unbelievers among the most common and respected is the doctrine of Buddhism. But in addition to the policy of peace and self-reflection, most people don’t know anything about Buddhism. Just a belief in reincarnation and jokes about the Dalai Lama, who asks to make him a pizza “with everything”. How did the religion of serenity and rebirth sees the end of the world?

To understand the statements of the Buddha about the end of the world, we need to know that the Buddha, who founded Buddhism on Earth, was the by Siddhartha Gautam. Gautama Buddha lived from 563 to 483 BC and claimed that his teachings would be forgotten after 5,000 years after his death, or about 4517 BC at this point, we will all live a selfish and sinful way. The other Buddha Maitreya is going to come and revive the religion in the next 80 000 years. Just as many people will live at that time.

After this sermon of the Seven Suns will be rushing forward. First – about our Sun that will see how all the plant life “will dry up, wither and cease to exist.” When the second sun will die all animal life. The third, fourth, fifth sun will dry up the rivers, lakes and oceans, in order, and the sixth will usher in an era of strong volcanic destruction.

Finally, there will be a seventh sun will explode and the Earth will burn it down to complete nothingness. You can easily say that the sun used to measure time, but the supporters of this religion literally perceive prophecy as the emergence of new suns in our Solar system or supernova explosion. Fortunately, by the time when all of this will take place, we have time to attain Nirvana by achieving enlightenment. Obviously, if you have the Buddha and 80,000 years old, it will be easy to do.

10 the coming “end of the world”, which need not to sleep
Ilya Hel

