’Maybe I still have to go’

Miami –

In Miami is a little bit opgeluchter ademgehaald because the eye of monsterorkaan Irma not directly about the city seems to go. But that is the danger for the metropolis, is still far from gone, as the wind and deluge can last for days for huge chaos. “Maybe I still have to go,” says the Dutch Chavely Helena.

Many opvangenplekken is currently full, in anticipation of Irma from two hours in the night (local time, 08.00 hours in the morning Dutch time) at the shore is in Florida. It is the largest evacuation in Florida, where one bit is used as the hurricanes arrive, has ever known.

Behind her, enormous construction cranes in downtown Miami. There is a lot of new construction taking place in the town. The towering cranes were not on time to be reduced, because that lasts for two weeks.

230 kilometers per hour

Just as the many high impact windows in Florida can faucets high wind speeds, of up to 230 kilometers per hour. But in some places blowing Irma harder, and it is, therefore, the question of whether the cranes or upright will remain.

A little further on Brickell Key, a man-made island for the city where high-rise flats, remains Jop Vos with his Bolivian wife and two children into his apartment to Irma to endure. The Dutchman, who is from Miami for the company’s Backdrop works, has great confidence in the concrete construction of his flat which is also a generator for when the power goes out. “We will probably long hours the shutters for our windows, hear the vibrate and is going to be a long night. I underestimated it, but we’re safe here.”

