Aston Martin will release an electric car in 2019

The English manufacturer Aston Martin Limited announced its intention to produce electric car by 2019. In addition, AM CEO Andy Palmer said in an interview with the press that for about 2025 the company plans to start a smooth transition to electric.

In the next few years to completely abandon the internal combustion engines will not work, but after five to seven years all the cars sold under the brand Aston Martin will be a hybrid that will allow them to drive on gas or petrol, but also to use to move actuators.

The first all-electric car company will be the model RapidE, which just limited edition going to release in 2019. All machines will be about a hundred, so that the exclusive novelty will surely selling out on pre-orders in private collections — the fun will definitely not cheap.

Engines and electronic components Aston Martin buys from Daimler AG, but electric vehicles issued by the British, will be equipped with electric motors that the company will be releasing independently.

Aston Martin will release an electric car in 2019
Vyacheslav Larionov

